Wonderful!!! ..... the shotgun is a good idea
Ross - get your hind quarters in here and guess already!!!!!!
Congratulations. Do you have to think of names? or have names popped up in your head/heart when you knew they are two lovely girls?!
LOL. Actually, that's how Nathan told his friends on facebook! His status was "Nathan needs to get a shotgun." Everyone got it right away! But then he decided maybe the shotgun would also come in handy for all of the people who keep telling him to "get ready for pink" or "ooh! Two weddings to pay for." or "Start saving for ____." We've decided we'd like to have them BORN before worrying about all that! (As for pink, no can do! Not our style. At least, not pastel. Rose Red and Jade Green will be their colors. If one of them likes pink later, fine, but not while we have anything to do with it! LOL)Ah - 2 little girls!!!!! Tell Nate to start shopping for shotguns, it's never to early too start intimidating the boys!
Sorry, Ross. You gave up naming rights when you didn't even bother guessing!Megan Love
Justine Love
Everyone has an opinion....
My niece is named Jade Nicole and would be very happy to lend you her name. Then one of the babies would have your name (maybe - not sure if you are a Nicole but its close anyway) as a middle one - just a thought.
I love the name Kyla. Congratulations - I love girl babies.
You tell me. Here's Baby 1:Are they certain?