I had my St Jude aortic valve prosthesis surgery Dec 1987, will be 32 years ago this Dec. I have done everything I wanted to do: softball, golfing, shoot pistol at the range, travel, etc. I have been on two African safaris, swam with dolphins in Bimini, Whales in the Azores, Alaska for dog sledding and northetn lights, NZ/Aust. for 35 days, etc I may sound like I'm grandstanding, but I feel I have earned it somewhat, and also feel my story will be an encouragement to others. I feel as long as my activities were within reason, I should be able to do what I want even though I have had major surgery. I can't say that it hasn't been on my mind because the surgery is always on my mind and a concern of mine. It's amazing how much I think of my surgery when doing things and that people don't realize the courage it often takes to accomplish these types of things because of apprehensions the surgery has caused me. Still I go on despite some of the fears it has caused. If it's my time to go then it is my time to go, but 32 years later things seem just fine.