Letter from Macall's parents

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I just recieved this e-mail from Macall's (10 yr old critically injured in ski accident) Mom and Dad. I thought I would share it with you all since you have been so good about praying for Macall. Warning...it will put a tear in your eye! Thank you all again!
~DeeDee~ :)

Dear Friends,

I believe the chapter in our story wouldn't be complete without telling about the homecoming:

Macall came home today with her little brother (Michael) and Scott and I. We drove into our neighborhood and we were greeted with purple ribbons (her favorite color) and some wonderful welcome home signs. I would say the best part - we arrived just minutes ahead of the bus - which held every child on the street (it seemed), the bus driver waived as she went by - but the kids "ran" down the street to welcome Macall home. The picture before me was quite surreal, Macall was enclosed by the very friends that have been praying for her, who have made her get well cards, and who just needed to say "hi." That picture will be with us forever.

Tonight, it's quiet in our house, the three rooms are filled - with children. Amongst the many stuffed animals (some sent by you), Macall is snuggled. We hear her breathing on the monitor that we have "borrowed" from her little brother, Bradley. The breath of a child has never sounded so good.

We were told to say our good-byes to Macall 7 weeks ago (tomorrow), and now we are saying "hello" in a sense, to a new beginning for our whole family.

We will continue to ask for your prayers - as they are still needed. Macall is currently on blood thinners for a genetic condition called "Factor Five" (where her blood clots - this was found in a lab that they ran at the hospital), we would like to see her numbers go down in relation to this in the next two weeks - then she can stop the medication. Please pray for that.

We have such reason to praise God tonight - we can all know that the prayers worked - and will continue to work on Macall. Again, as I have said before - thank you for walking beside us - we have never felt alone.

Scott and Vicky
Thank you, DeeDee for sharing a beautiful letter with us. What a story. And what a day - we have a young one come home after a meeting with death and another baby arriving in the world (in VR) in nearly the same day. Things are wonderful and when we are down, these are the sorts of things that bring us right back up to appreciate life again.