Left Arm Numbness

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2008
Waldorf, MD
Good Morning, Everyone,

Ray is about a week short of 5 months post-op. A few days ago Ray experienced numbness and pain in his left arm. He couldn't squeeze his hand. It only lasted about 3 minutes and then went away. Do you all think this is nerve related from the surgery or the begining signs of something worse?

He has been under a lot of stress lately. He works long demanding hours, he just found out his mom has cancer and they don't have a good relationship but she's still his mom, and a few other minor life glitches have popped up. You know basically everything at once. So his stress is off the charts.

He's still very active so he gets plenty of exercise, he has been eating very good, no junk. I'd like to see him drink more water especially for his activity level...but that is all he drinks, so he is probably getting "enough".

Should I make him an appointment with his cardiologist? He hasn't had any other "episodes" with his arm since.

You ever get that everything is going too well feeling? I'm there.:confused:
Angela, check it out with the cardiologist. It may be nothing, but you will feel better and so will he if you get the cardio's opinion.
I strongly suspect that the pain and numbness was caused by a pinched nerve in his back. If it had been in his right arm you probably would immediately have thought of a chiropractor.

It may never happen again, but if it does, consider a chiropractor or physical therapist to look for muscle imbalances or misallignments that are causing the pinching.
Angela, I have experienced the numbness, but I had no pain. The numbness felt like it went up to my left side of my face.
I did get it checked out with my GP and explained that if I don't continue with stretching exercises with my arms/neck this feeling will return. So, needless
to say it hasn't returned.

Your best bet is to get it checked out and get your own diagnoses.

Good Luck
Hi there! I am 5 1/2 months post-op. I have had "episodes" ever since the op, on and off, that my left arm becomes numb/pains and then it returns to normal by itself. I sometimes even get pins and needles in my hand/fingers. I think it has something to do with the surgery itself and the healing process... don't think it is Cardiac-related.
Could be something not serious at all. However, given that my wife has had two strokes, and the symptoms included numbness down one side, my advice would be to call the cardiologist and tell him/her about it. All the usual sayings apply: better safe than sorry; when in doubt, check it out, etc.
Angela ~ It could be something simple like a pinched nerve, but i agree with the others. Whenever numbness is a symptom it should be checked out ASAP. My best wishes that it is something simple. Hoping to hear good news that it is nothing to worry about. Take care, Dawn-Marie