Last hurah

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2006
Perth, West Australia.
Well, since the news of my impending surgery i've been a good boy for over a month....which is an acheivement belive me.

Caffine has gone, as has the booze, other than the regulation 2 glasses of wine on occasion (ok i had four one night, shoot me), i always ate healthy so there hasn't been much of a change there other than a lack of soda drinks, crisps & chocolate.

But with about 3 weeks to surgery and a mechanical going in i've decided to have one last vodka soaked party with friends and family so i can go out with a bang.....should be fun and a little sad at the same time..

I will hopefully make it back to the bed and not end up sleeping on the pool table or somewhere else that is highly inappropriate for a man of my increasing age.

Then ill return to a strict life as if i'm on warafin and stick religiously to the two glasses(units) per day maximum so i don't introduce too many issues stabalising my INR post op.

Did any of you guys have a last throw of the dice before your surgery and what did you do?

I'm also riding my motorbike 650kms (about 10 hours) a week as fast as i can as this too will be retiring post surgery....been stopped once by the police and zapped by the camera once too so i'm certainly pushing the envelope before giving it up...:D
I probably would have ran up the mileage on my bike too, had my surgery not been in the middle of winter here in Canada :(

Take care and keep the rubber side down! Best if you're in one piece for the surgery ;)
Living in SoCal, I did what any local would - I went to VEGAS! Can't tell anyone what happened, however, as I still want to leave a run for Congress as a future possibility...
I still don't know why your retiring your biking. You can get hurt many other ways as well, why not enjoy what you enjoy?
Actually, my husband took me to Phoenix and Scottsdale where we got the maximum pampering treatment with massages and aromatherapy wraps and gourmet dining (Elements, whoa. gorgeous). Can't say that it was going out with a bang, but I sure did enjoy myself!!

I think you'll be surprised in 6 months that your life really hasn't changed all that much. But no reason to let a good party pass you by! Apparently they mean alot to you.

Anything that will give you confidence and optimism. Personal power time. Keep accumulating that energy and it will serve you well.

Be careful, though. Please have someone be your designated body guard that night so that you don't do anything silly or detrimental to yourself. Better pump some vitamins into you so that all that partying doesn't wreak havoc with your natural defenses. ;)

:) Marguerite
Enjoy your party Majic, sounds like you have a really big night planned...

You will be over the mountain soon enough,.and like my surgery buddy Marguerite 6 months time you wont even notice you had OHS except for that tell-tale zipper-club scar!...

Enjoy your biking too...I am sure you will be back on it alot sooner than you think...just dont let the cops zap you again...
cooker said:
What he said.

Yeh, if i was a single man i'd continue riding but when i have two kids that are dependant on me i won't be taking the risk as its not me that would pay for any accident but them.

As soon as they pull off the driveway to go and live their own lives with their own wifes in their own homes i'll be straight down the bike shop, until then i will re-establish a love of motorcars and 4wd'ing....

Anyway i survived the big night and only polished off one bottle of vodka, (was talking too much and also had a session of hiccups :rolleyes:) and i sat there at 2am almost as sober as a judge.

I did come to one realisation though, i enjoyed the night but not the drinking, i guess i'm not that bothered about it when the chips are down. Spending time with friends and family, having a giggle etc will not change even when i'm sipping on tonic water and lemonade so i guess the evening was a success in that the outcome removes one of my 'worries' about a lifestyle change that really isn't going to be much of a stretch..;)
I think your realization is a mature one, and I'm very glad that you came to it. Many of us go through some sort of mind set alteration going into this thing. It's heavy drama!! I think it is WONDERFUL that your family and friends have come through to you in this way. You may try to explain these feelings to them, but chances are, we will be the only ones who actually deeply understand what you're saying.

So stick with us!! And stay optimisitic and forward thinking! You'll be "over the mountain" in no time.

Now take some vitiamins, get some sleep, walk some long walks in the sunshine, send your prayers or thoughts out over the ocean and smile and love a lot!!! :D


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