Last AVR 5-9-09 another on 1-25-10 following stroke on 1-16-10 PLEASE READ

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Many Many Prayers for you and Kenny and the baby! You don't give up hope on anything people recover from strokes everyday and he is young and strong. Take his hand and put it on your tummy to remind him to fight for his life! God Love You!
re stroke; not heart:

My dear JOe had a stroke when he was 50. He could not speak, walk - nothing. His dr said he would always be this way. There was a young nurse in the hospital who urged Joe to get into rehab immediately; he spent a month at a rehab hospital in Bradenton Fl. He got so much better. He could walk, dance, speak - same as my old JOe. The rehab was like a job. They started him early in the day, worked with him til the day was over. He suffered and cried a lot (crying is a side effect of stroke) doing it, but worked at it anyhow. We had another 17 yrs of fun and love together. YOur Kenny will do the same, I hope. Since stroke was something to deal with, I read everything I could find and there was a woman who was always told that recovery lasts only two years, but she started from being able to do nothing for herself, worked hard and continued right on long after the two years, continuing all the while to recover more. So did my dear Joe. He went back to work, was able to do everything again.
Stephanie, I am so sorry to hear what kenny (and you) are going thru. it is so scarey, but as the others have said, Kenny is Young and hopefully his youth will help him with his recovery. I will keep kenny Wayne in my prayers. How is he doing today?
First I would like to thank you all so much for all your kinds and encouraging words and most of all your thoughts and prayers! Kenny Wayne seems to be slowly improving. His speech gets a little better everyday and they have removed his feeding tube now as he can swallow again. The stroke affected his brain in 2 places and he still has some swelling in the brain so hopefully as the swelling goes down the feeling will return more and more. He is scared, who wouldn't be however the therapist are already working with him so we hope he will continue to improve, at least we are not going backwards!! His surgery is scheduled for Monday, Jan 25th at 7 AM Est. We do not know what type of valve they will give him this time around and won't know as they Dr's will decide when they get in there and see exactly what they are dealing with so we are just praying that this will heal him finally and he can enjoy the rest of our lives together. Thank you again for everything, this site has been so helpful to me and him as well. I will keep you all updated and oncesurgery is over and we speak to the Dr I will most def post an update!
Thanks again and please continue to pray!
Stephanie, prayers for Kenny Wayne's steady recovery from the stroke and many guardian angels for his surgery on Monday! You must be strong and please absorb the energy we are projecting towards you and Kenny...
Dear Stephanie,

I'm so glad that you found this site so that you don't feel like you & KW are alone --- you are not! As others have said, the human body, especially that of such a young & vibrant person as KW, is so resiliant & can withstand so much punishment & then make an amazing comeback! I pray that this is the case with your boyfriend & I will keep him in my prayers for a successful surgery on Monday.

Stay strong, take care of yourself & your unborn child too. You both have so much to live for & deserve a fresh & healthy start!

Keep us posted on KW's progress.
Good to hear your update and that things are improving. You and Kenny and the little one are all in my throught and prayers... Remember to take good care of you too during all this as you have that little one incubating in there to take care of too! Best of luck on Monday and keep us posted on what the docs decided and how KW is doing. I wish you all the best.

Dear Stephanie,

I want you to know that in my heart I will be there with you and the baby, Kenny Wayne, and his surgeons on Monday, as I know many others will be also. May it give you strength to know that others understand and care.


I am so sorry,( i read your post afew days ago) And just feel
so bad for yous i am keeping you all in my prayers and
thoughts and continue as Monday rolls along that you
all manage through this with flying colors and Godspeed
Look after your rest needs also with baby as you climb
the mountain with your hubby and he will do well with
finding vr when you needed you have alot of prayers and support
((HUGS )) from me to you...GodBless
Sorry I did not sign in yesterday and update, it's been a little crazy. The Dr's decided not to do open heart surgery at this time. We have no explination however it seems the infection is all gone and the vegitation has also gone, they think this may be because of the TPA administered when he had the stroke. So they will do another echo on his heart in 10 to 14 days to see how his valve is doing. They seem to think since his valve was replaced with a human valve that it will heal itself. They also seem to think he has very thinck blood and will have to be on a blood thinner the rest of his life to help avoid future strokes. He still has no controll over his right side but his speech is improving daily and he is gettin an appetite back so that's good as he will need his strength. Seems we were blessed with a miracle but still not quite out of the woods yet. We hope he will have a full recovery as he is so young but only time will tell. He will be on antibiotics for 6-8 weeks as a precaution and he gets that through a pic line. He will also need to be a in a physical therapy rehab for 6-8 weeks and we hope they will move him there today.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and I will keep you posted as we get updates. I'm REALLY praying he does not need another surgery!
I have followed your thread for a few days. I have prayed and will continue to pray for you, Kenny Wayne and that little baby who will be here soon. Focus on keeping yourself in good health and giving Kenny Wayne as much support as he needs. Remember "If HE brings you to it, HE will bring you through it."
I'm glad the infection is gone (did they do blood cultures? - can't tell just by white blood cell counts). I'm also happy to hear that they're going to wait and see about the possible valve surgery.

I don't understand why they would say that the valve could heal itself. It can't. It's human tissue, but not living tissue. I guess they were trying to say that the leaflets might straighten out and return to normal after it gets to work for a while without the offsetting loads of the vegetation.

It's good that things are starting to turn around again for him. It has to be very difficult for you, but hang in there with him.

Best wishes.
Sorry I've been gone so long but it has been a CRAZY ride!! On Feb 9th the Dr's discovered an aneurysm on Kenny's heart and he was put on immediate bed rest and OHS was scheduled for Feb 10th at 7AM! His valve was replaced with a mechanical valve and he had more infection in his heart, this time a fungus type but they are confident they got it all out. He is still slowly recovering from the stroke, still no mevement in his right arm but he can walk with someone holding on to him. He is not currently in therapy as he is now on coumadin and his blood got so thin they admitted him into the hospital so now we are back and forth with the coumadin and trying to get him back on track. The baby was born on March 4th and is now doing very well. I had to have an emergency c section and the baby had some issues at first but we have since come through all of that and he is a healthy happy baby boy, his name is Blake. Thank you all for your prayers and please continue to pray as he has a LONG way to go. I am trying to post some pics but it seems now my computer is havin issues! Always something around her.
If he's having problems with Coumadin, it's most likely those that manage it rather then him. Sorry to hear about all the bad parts, but one good part makes up for most of it.
Thank you for the update, I've wonderred how Kenny Wayne and you were doing. Congradulations on little Blake. Sorry he had a rough beginning, but glad things are going well for Mom and baby. I know it is a slow process, but gla to hear kenny is doing better and can walk with help. I know it is proably next to impssible with all that is going on, but I hope you are able to get some rest and take care of your self. As always your family is in my prayers. I pray the infection is finally gone.
Stephanie, Please know that I will pray for Kenny,Yourself and family. Sometimes its just as hard on the person watching it all happen as it is on the person going through it. Am glad that things are going better for Kenny. Thoughts and Prayers your way..Daren