re stroke; not heart:
My dear JOe had a stroke when he was 50. He could not speak, walk - nothing. His dr said he would always be this way. There was a young nurse in the hospital who urged Joe to get into rehab immediately; he spent a month at a rehab hospital in Bradenton Fl. He got so much better. He could walk, dance, speak - same as my old JOe. The rehab was like a job. They started him early in the day, worked with him til the day was over. He suffered and cried a lot (crying is a side effect of stroke) doing it, but worked at it anyhow. We had another 17 yrs of fun and love together. YOur Kenny will do the same, I hope. Since stroke was something to deal with, I read everything I could find and there was a woman who was always told that recovery lasts only two years, but she started from being able to do nothing for herself, worked hard and continued right on long after the two years, continuing all the while to recover more. So did my dear Joe. He went back to work, was able to do everything again.