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OMG I think I've just met my evil sister! Her name is Melissa. What do you all think? Is she not as ornery as me, if not more so? :D Quite a competitor I think.
Janie - I knew we'd drag a comment out of you - finally. Aunt Granny and I want to come down and drink some of your expensive wine cellar. That's OK isn't it ? Maybe we could meet in Luckenbach and I'll buy ?

Ross- Now you gotta post an avatar of the troll in a speedo, posed beside a convertible. The only convertible I have is a '53 MG but I don't know if that's "in" these days. I think maybe Volvo's are the thing. What would I know - I spend a lot of time on a Kubota. Make sure the Speedo doesn't show toooo much.

Hensylee - You don't need to know what a speedo is my dear. You are wonderfully lovely just the way you are, and as soon as I can figure out where the hell you live, I'll drop by with a bottle of wine and we'll have a drink and a little talk. Seriously, I can't find your little town on my road atlas. Are you near Ginny Springs ? I've been there with the kids diving.
It's about 20 mi south of Paxton, 10 mi west of Ponce deLeon (pronounced ponse dee leeeon round here), 20 mi east of Crestview. Don't know any Ginny Springs, but there are several springs around (one in my back property) - lots of them in these parts. Seriously, DeFuniak Springs is directly north of Destin about 35 miles, about 25 miles south of the Alabama line (at Hwy 10 and 331). Lots of southerners live here!!!!!!! Yanks are finding it fast, tho.
Hensylee - Hey I found it! I was looking way too far East. I keep forgetting that Florida has a great big panhandle. (About the only part I'm not familiar with) That looks really interesting and convenient. When Aunt granny and I drink up all of Janies Wine, we'll swing east and knock on your door and see if we can't stir up some mischief. If I lose a few more pounds, maybe we can collaberate in your kitchen and whip up some southern ice cream !
Jean said:
OK Ross, tell me again how do we post a picture...I really feel left out with everyone else showing their sweet selves. Thanks in advance...and remember I am very non techno!
See your Private Messages Please.
Come on, Chris - guess you haven't heard about my front porch and my woods. I have lots of rockin chairs and we can sit, rock, drink wine (or iced tea, the drink of choice around here - well, except beer) and look at pines. And pet Miss Sally Sue, my old hound dog.
Chris - You never cease to surprise me!

Chris - You never cease to surprise me!

Chris, you ol' sneak! You have a '53 MG? Is it a TC, or maybe a secret TF? Those cars are truly neat. One of my co-workers used to have one. Of course, you know that I'm an old-school car guy, having managed a custom car show in my younger years.

My car toys were the Chevy Corvairs (the ones with the air-cooled engine in the rear). Had a couple of convertibles, too, but mostly tin tops. They cornered better because the chassis was stiffer.

So, Chris, what else are you hiding out there?

And ladies, the opinion from this one man is that speedo's are fine for kids and the occasional adult male having body fat content of less than 10%. Those of us having more mature figures should dress appropriately, leaving the right things up to the imagination of the viewer. . .
Exactly....( and a few left things...) :p
Les AVR '93 / '95
Hey Steve - It's a restored TC. The only other one I've got is a '29 4 dr Model A that I restored a number of years ago. Took me almost two years to go through that one. Right now they both just take up garage space and I'm thinking about getting rid of them. Sure was fun rebuilding them, but don't think I'd want to do another one.
The only convertible I have is a '53 MG
I don't suppose you could post a picture of it? I'd love to see it. My neighbor had one that he was trying to restore, but it became too expensive and the project ended up at the junk yard.
Hensylee - That sounds wonderful. Sittin on the porch and listening to the wind whisper through those Pines while contemplating what kinda southern delicacy we're gonna prepare for supper -- mmm mmmm
Ross - If you'll PM me and show me how to post a picture, I'll go take one for you. The MG needs a wash job first though. See what pains we go through to keep you happy!!!
You already have a PM in there from me that you haven't read yet. I'd be more then happy to help you get a shot of that 53 up.

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