Justin decided NOT to operate

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better going through the stress and getting GOOD news. I do believe in miracles and maybe this was Justin's and yours. Keep that faith to carry you on. Blessins............
I have always believed that things happen for a reason & that only God knows why things move or happen the way they do.

So if the drs decided NOT to put Justin through another surgery just yet, well then, that's a good thing & hopefully the infection will heal & Justin can enjoy his youth as he should be enjoying it.

Keep the faith, trust in God & take it one day at a time! :)
God knows you deserved a break so he gave you one! Hope Justin gets the classes he needs and for awhile can be just a normal college kid - bless his heart! The emotional roller coaster is awful - but the ride is over for awhile now.

Good luck! Continued prayers to keep the surgeons at bay.

I had "survivors guilt" or something like it when a similar thing happened to me. I then went to my job. As I walked into the door the receptionist shouted "It's a miracle! I have been praying all morning!" But still, I felt somehow guilty that I got worked up (and had the IV and all) and then was told to put on my clothes and go home. I hope you all are able to enjoy your miracle!