If you don't take Warfarin, of course you don't need a meter.
As far as Chaconne's post -- the reason for weekly testing is not so that you can have a 'knee jerk' reaction to the INRs as much as it is to be able to determine when your INR may be TOO high or TOO low. A snapshot every month or every six weeks doesn't tell you what may have happened to your INR between tests. With a 40 hour half life in the body, testing weekly is a better way to gauge what is actually happening with your INR. THAT'S WHY I BELIEVE THAT WEEKLY TESTING IS A BETTER OPTION THAN MONTHLY TESTING.
I have had times when my INR was below 2.0 -- a monthly test wouldn't have shown this. I tested a few days later, and if it was back in range, I did nothing. If it was still below 2.0, I bumped up my dose a slight amount (not a knee jerk response, but a correction). A monthly test wouldn't have shown this.
JKM7 - I can't quite understand the apparent angry tone of your reply. I think that I would be dissatisfied with ANY clinic that believes that testing every 4-6 weeks is appropriate; that prohibits self-testing; and that appears to be leaning towards a potentially dangerous new range. The only thing that I'm using the clinic for is prescription refills and monthly blood draws. I've been managing my dosing for years, using my own meter and common sense (and, at one time, dosing calculators), and I believe that I'm doing better than these 'clinics' can do for me. (I had one clinic botch a blood draw, come up with a crazy INR value then make a LARGE, ONCE A WEEK change that would have potentially caused hemorrhaging for a couple days, then dropped me to the lower limit of my range on other days -- just because they are MDs or Nurse Practitioners doesn't mean they KNOW how to manage patient dosing).
I doubt that I would be all that happy with ANY Anticoagulation Clinic, unless they supported weekly testing, were conservative about dosage changes, supported home testing (not necessarily - if they had a meter that they trust and knew how to use it, and were located nearby, this may also work), and had a really strong idea of WHAT THE HELL they are doing.