Just One Study (Of Many), FYI

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neil;n864609 said:
... to my original thought in being tissue overall should last 10 to 20 yrs and shouldn't in general need anti coags, mechs should in general last a lifetime but need anti coags, that's imo the 2 main points

agreed ... unless the person is 25 in which case there is almost no evidence that you'll get much over 10. You will note I've answered and discussed this with posters here who are under 40 and some under 30. I feel you keep ignoring that particular point.

... so imo you pick the one which suits you and nobody else,

exactly my own thoughts too ... and that you make your choice on information not sales pitches.
neil;n864602 said:
one other thing is which ever valve you've picked your bound to push that more than the other, human nature I guess, all my opinion of course

Somewhat true, neil, but some of us are aware of our internal biases and try to soften them when discussing valve choices with new/prospective patients. We know that it is much easier to remember the positive points of the choices we have made, but as pellicle said, we also try to keep our minds open as each person's choice of valve is only their own.

All that said, and having made my valve choice, I am really, really glad that I had the surgery. That's the important thing - that we make our choices and have this life-giving surgery. That gives us another chance to screw it all up all over again. . .

And regarding statistics, my high school algebra teacher taught us "Figures never lie, but liars often figure."