Also received a letter from my cardiologist summarising the finding of my echocardiogram last month:
Here is the summary:
max speed through the valve = 3.8 m/s (previously this had been just over 3 m/s for many years)
fractional shortening = 40%
LVIDd = 5.8 cm
IVSd = 1.2 cm
LVPWd = 1cm
ascending aorta = 4.9 cm :frown2: (has increased significantly since my last check up in 2009 )
aortic valve appears to have fusion of 2 of the 3 leaflets, making it functionally a bicuspid valve
mild leakage of the mitral valve..long standing and not significant
surgery probable within 5 years..have to wait for MRI scan to verify echo results especially the ascending aorta result !
given my age (37) mechanical valve would be recommended, which he wrote would mean no further surgery at least for several decades ( I thought they lasted for 100s of years) and I would not need further OHS
Let me know what you guys think about my results and whether I'll be under the knife alot sooner than 5 years