June 3rd appt.

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
The echo for May 12th was lost today sent when found to Dr.Dewa in Saskatoon.Family Dr. called at work told me to come at 1pm tomorrow.
His tone sounded serious.I also was called from Regina for an appt. June 3rd at 130 pm with my cardiologist from 16 years ago where the first vr surgery took place.Dale my hubby cant come as cant get a replacement supervisor at work:eek:...But hey im fine with this and on his job if i was immediately in surgery i'd be looked after for us,I will leave on monday for the trip and i have a super girlfriend up there that will be my 2nd set of ears at the appoint.
Im having some anxiety with tomorrows echo result as i did this in 2000 and report was so bad i got a 2nd opinion in Calgary and it was not so bad and theyve always done my echos there ,why is this echo from tomorrow gonna read bad again? My cardiologist in Regina office say they wont rely on it they do their own tests and go by their own.Its probally just the haunting of 2000and if reads all bad i still have to wait for the tests on 3rd in Regina.
Why is it i've been there done all this already,know what to expect for worse scenerio and the fear has placked me to tears tonight and yet i know i have to go 2 years was last echo done.But the suspence of the outcome is the fear i guess and why cus were human,thats our nature to dwell on the worst.
The worst is putting the family through it again and hey i dont even know what the hecks wrong with me,other than sob and severe pain and swelling in the legs and my ribs are pained so bad,why'd i have echo done here again cus my family Dr.had to start somewhere to get me referred to Regina.
I think its the echo results at 100pm tomorrow that got me in a frency.
Ive cried and feel so helpless with all this tonight,my husband says we well wait for final results in Regina before we worry about tomorrows results,as it all will be redone in regina before final outcome,then i think well it could just be a medication adjustment plus with my heart failure i have om goodness im worrying self crazy here so ill stop and go read the alcohol-pot post on bina's goat balls :)anthow im outta here monday for the 3rd june appt.

Hi There, Wishing yoiu all the very best with your appt tomorrow.
Sending prayers, good thoughts and positive vibes for you.
All the best
Hey there Zipper, I know its easier said than done, but try to relax and listen to hubby and wait until you hear what Regina has to say. Hearing what your doctor has to say can be considered a corner stone of what is going on and you will of a little bit of time to absorb it.
Getting worked up will only make you feel worse.
My prayers are coming your way.
I remember how awful I felt getting the news for a second OHS. Sending you hugs and support and assurances that even if the news is the worst it can be, it's not as if we don't know that the mountain isn't insurmountable. You climbed it once before my friend, it can be gotten over again.

As you say, this may simply be a need for a medication adjustment, that's what I'm hoping for when I finally see my cardio. (I'm calling this morning so that I have a plan of action wrt knee surgery. If I have more valve/rhythm probs I'll likely need to go to the U of A for any future ops... :rolleyes: high risk indeed). So, here's to a better chemical cocktail.

Let us know how it goes. You have my best wishes and thoughts.

Take Heart, we can put a positive spin on anything, you know?
Try to stay positive. No point worrying about anything until you have all the facts. Cross that bridge when you come to it. Best wishes and good luck with your appointment.
Thanks everyone,

Of course another new day and get my results at 1:00
for the first echo,then im off for shift at work 230-11pm
But i'll let you all know the corner stone of the results today.
I'll be so relieved for Regina's appoint,early next week.
Pam goodluck with your phone call also all the best to you.

Try to stay positive. No point worrying about anything until you have all the facts. Cross that bridge when you come to it. Best wishes and good luck with your appointment.

AMEN to Wayne's Words of Wisdom !

Try to think of something (ANYTHING) else until you have your test results. Make sure they give you or send you a copy of the results.

You may also want to take a Tape or Digital Recorder to your appointments.

Take some Deep Breaths and maybe even a nice walk if you can.

'AL Capshaw'
Hi, Al--Did you find the cites useful? I tried to pick out objective studies; it seems many or even most are funded by one or another valve manufacturer, so to me they are suspect.
Well got my results for the echo from family Dr. and according to Dr. Dewa
my mitral valve is done had it,and i will need surgery within 6 months time.
But yet with this news my echo suggests a tranesophageal echo needs done for further evaluation of the mitral valve.Id need to be a Doctor to understand all the 2D measurements and the Doppler measurements the findings and the summary of it all and too much to type in here to show you all.but was tols this is why the sob and so much swelling in legs and feet.The 16 year old mechanical aortic valve is normal in function the gradient is at the upper limit of normal.The mitral appears rhuematic with severe mitral stenosis.Severe left artrial enlargement,the left ventricle is normal in size.The ejection fraction is normal at 60% eveidence of mild pulmanary hypertention with a systolic pulmanary pressure.,pressure of 42mm Hg whatever that means?????But too it says i have on the doppler av abnormal prosthetic valve gradient.pv tracc pulmonic regurgitation tv mild tricuspid regurgitation,moderate mitral annular calcification,then he goes on to say this was a complete transthoracic echo,the picture quality was suboptimal as the patient was in artrial fibrillation.

Soooooooo thats the scoop and i will be at the cardiologist i started with 16 years ago in Regina on tuesday 130 is my appointment and this is all i know today thanks for taking time to read this and if any input ive put here is available id be glad to recieve any understanding of this echo all i know is its bad, and needs replaced asap within 6 months according to Dewa
Thanks again everyone

Sorry, I can't help you with the numbers as I don't understand them either. At least you know the direction you are heading and can prepare for that. There's been lots of advances in OHS techniques in the 16 years since you went through it before. Best wishes and good luck.
Yes i got my little tape recorder ready and copys of past echos
and ready to role for monday. These numbers are something
i cant read either wayne but we'll see what numbers regina cardiologist
comes up with too and maybe this echos right too,not denying
it as by the time i retire for bed the fluid build up in my legs feels
like each leg is 100 lb. sandbag to turn over in bed feels like im turning
the weight of sand bags,i'll keep you posted as to what happens in Regina
and all the verdicts they come up with.

KKKKKKKKK im ready for my cardio appoint tues,
Leaving tomorrow as its abit of skip up there, One sec im good
another im fretting because in away wish it'd be tomorrow the
appt. In away wish it was done cus then i'd know what im up
against and its been a real hassle at work as two off for medical
reasons and thats turned for worst if i need more time off were screwed.
cant plan for illness on my job as you need a clearance ,takes 6 months
to hire at the police detach. Never dreamt 3 of us at same time. only
leaves 2 available a mess and such a bad timing,but i gotta go.Man the
wait for this appt. is like the wait for ohs,this is just terrible and
knowing somethings wrong and wait to see tues the unknown is
driving me up the edge so to speak.:eek:and not knowing really how
much time i need there and what tests he wants to do while im there
because i need to report to work asap so they can look after shifts
there somehow,this is really stressful for me. But im gone in the morning
Post you all when i can or when i get back.

Let work worry about itself. I appreciate your dedication, but at least you work for the public service and your union prevents them from dismissing you. Sure you hate to use up your medical leave and leave without pay will suck, but EI should cover that. As to the rest, just consider this as a way to get those government human resources guys off their butts to train and open more positions.

Best wishes for an informative and worthwhile appointment today. Keep all of your receipts and claim them on your income tax... they allow claim of 48 cents a kilometer for mileage and ask the doctor for a note to justify your hotel stay, they'll pay for that, too.

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