Joseph Pennell June 12th, 1931 to December 22,2006

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Dear Nancy,

Please accept my deepest sympathy at this very difficult time. I am so sorry to hear of Joe's passing. You and Joe put up such a good fight.

Both you and Joe will be in my prayers and thoughts. May he rest in peace and may you have strength to deal with this new chapter of your life.

God Bless and Keep You!
So Very Sorry

So Very Sorry


My sincerest condolences. Joe was such an amazing fighter -- and you, too, always at his side. I pray God will continue to give you strength as you go to the next chapter of your life. And I hope in future months and years you will continue to be an active participant in this Forum, where you pass along so much wise advice to others facing their own challenges. God bless you.
I posted in the other thread, Nancy. I am so very sorry that you have lost your Joe. My Joe, too, left at Christmastime.

We know Joe is peacefully resting now. You will know peace, too, with the knowledge of how much you loved each other and all the battles you fought. As you told us many times, he was a fighter.

Go with God, dear Joe.
Joe's passing

Joe's passing

My heartfelt sympathy for you and your family.
Dear Nancy -
I second what Ross wrote. You and Joe have done so much for VR.COM. I wish there was something we could do for you. With deepest sympathy, ~Susan
Nancy, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi Nancy,

Words can't express our deepest sympathy to yourself and family during this trying time. Joe had been through so very much. Have comfort knowing that Joe is safe and resting peacefully.

We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers Nancy.

Oh, Nancy. Such a soldier. I know how very proud you are of his determination and will.

Please know that we all grieve with you since you both have become such a part of our lives here.

With sympathy,

So sorry for your loss.

So sorry for your loss.

Dear Nancy,

So sorry to hear about Joe's passing. We know that he was a fighter and never gave up. We all grieve with you and want to surround you with our love and friendship. You have been an inspiration to us all. May God give you the comfort you need in this very difficult time of your life.

Oh Nancy,

We were all so afraid something like this had occurred. I saw this thread and my heart just jumped into my throat. Some how it just doesn't seem fair after all the fights. I guess Joe was just too tired to fight anymore.

Please accept my condolences and know you have many loved ones with you in spirit.

God bless you for all your fighting also. You are an amazing person and we are all better people for your being with us.

I'm speechless.....and you know that rarely happens.

Please know that you and Joe have never been far from my thoughts and prayers. Know, too, that he's at rest and watching over you all the way.

I'm so very very sorry.

i, too, felt my heart fall to my stomach when i read your post.
we are speechless; no words could ever relay how we all feel.
you and joe have been icons and an inspiration to all of us here at; you've taught us so much about never giving up.

our condolences go out to you and your families. please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. may joe rest in peace.

if there is anything at all we can do for you, please do not hesitate, we are here.

we are so sorry about this and truly feel your pain.



My heart goes out to your in your time of loss.

Please know that we are praying for your comfort and let me know if there is anything we can do for you.

I believe that you will hold Joe again one day and that your time apart will seem like only a short moment in time.


Hank Eyring
Dear Nancy,
How sorry I was to read your post of Joe's passing. What an incredible example of true love you and Joe were. My prayers are with you and your family during this very difficult time.
Dear Nancy, Please accept my sincere condolences. I feel like I know you from reading all your input on this site. It's always so hard to lose a loved one and I certainly have empathy for you. Only time will ease the pain. Just know that you have a host of friends, even though we have never met. May our heavenly father give you strength in this most difficult time.

We're so sorry to hear that Joe has passed. Our sincere condolences and prayers to you and your family.

David and Priscila
Nancy, I am very sorry to hear of Joe's passing. The spirit and fight he has shown over the past few years is an inspiration for us all.