[Joke] Good News/Bad News

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Premium User
Supporting Member
Dec 26, 2002
Chicago area
So, the doctor says to the man, "Well, I have good news and bad news."

The man says, "Well, give me the bad news first."

Doc says, "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you have only about six months to live."

When the man regains his composure, he asks, "So, what's the good news?"

Doc says, "Well, If you move to Cleveland, the six months will feel like forever!"
If that's what six months in Cleveland does to you what did 35 years there do to me.
The answer might explain a few things to me.:D
Joke GOOd news

Joke GOOd news

Hi All
The week in CLeveland gave me the rest of my life. I wouldn't be here if had not been for Dr. Coscove and the repair. It gave me the time for my heart to heal for the repair three yrs. later.
THey saved my life for sure:D

SHerrin Hutt
Valve repair 5/99
Vaaalve replacement5/03
Good answer Sherrin,
And to think they refer to Cleveland as the mistake on the lake.:(
But if you had to live there, I'm sure your tunes would change. Granted the CCF is one of the best places to go, even if it is in part of the worst part of Cleveland.
Joke GOOd news

Joke GOOd news

Hi Ross
When I made plans to go CCC long before I had valve trouble. I went there to see a specialist for my uncontrolable B/p. That was when the Omni Hotel was attached to the hosp. They told us not to go outside after dark. I decided to go CCC instead of the Mayo Clinic because it was in the winter. So when we arrived in Cleveland they was having a snow storm of the year. We had the cab ride to hell. It was worse than Chicago believe me this guy was driving on the sidewalks. Then we were leaving most of the flights had be cansel because of the weather and they wanted to put us on another flight. But Mike had to go get our stuff out of a locker in another area but they still wanted me to get on the plane but I refused. Mike finally made it before it left. But that was an experence I wouldn't wish on anyone.
The clinic has some of the best doctors but I am with Ross they put it in the worst part of town. After the cab ride we decided to try the bus system (wrong Ideal:( we were the only how do say we stood out !:confused: We did not feel very safe! But we did survive the trip.

Sherrin Hutt
valve repair 5/99
Valve replacement 3/02


I lived on the far west side of Cleveland and a long ways away from the CCC.
But my nephew and his wife both worked there for many years.
One day he called me and said he had car trouble and could I drive him to work.
Of course I said yes and took him out there.
I knew it was in a really bad part of town but still was shocked when I saw armed guards carrying shotguns in the parking lot.
He said it was because a few days earlier a woman came running in the front door screaming and all bloody. A few seconds later a guy came bursting through the door waving a gun and shooting at her.
I told my nephew maybe he and his wife should think about a different place to work. And they did.
Just talked to him the other day and he told me the CCC is buying out and taking control of some of the other major hospitals in town.

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