Jeff won't take it easy!!

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Glad Mike got his wake-up call with no permanent damage. We (males, anyway) all cheat some on the doc's rules, but it should be smart cheating, not picking up a gallon of milk (a pint is a pound), a full carafe of coffee, or a cast-iron frying pan.

Make sure he keeps walking, though, Pam. Those computer games can really sidetrack folks from the exercise they (and their mending hearts) need.

Best wishes,
Jeff getting better every day!

Jeff getting better every day!

Well today Jeff hinted that he is getting the itch to drive. I had to take the car to get checked today and he "offered" to drive the van so we could have a way back home. NICE TRY :mad: But I am not that dumb! He has been testing his limits here the last few days. He has been up to his office. The building is really old and the entry doors are very heavy. He was opening the doors when I wasn't right there to get them. :mad: :mad: I am going to buy some type of restraints! Pam I may need that duct tape after all!! I guess he is feeling better and glad to be getting back to normal. I just hope he doesn't have any setbacks. I don't think my nerves can handle it!
I'm certainly glad he feels better, but he is not "back to normal" by any stretch of the phrase, although he may well feel that way on the surface. One fellow started doing pushups a couple weeks after surgery, because he felt like he was nearly back to normal. However, with that kind of flexing, the sternum may not heal and harden up properly.

Think of the sternum as a thin piece of metal at this point. It seems solid enough, and it appears to work for the uses you put it to. But if you start flexing it back and forth, it suddenly grows hot and snaps in two.

Best wishes,
Jeff buddy are you trying to backslide on purpose? I'm telling ya, keep pushing like you are and your gonna be in trouble!
Hello everyone,

All I can say is Michelle likes to blow things out of proportion. Yes I am up and around more than she ever thought I would. I have been through this once before. I was only 16 then and healing a lot faster, but two days after being home my mom caught me working on my bike!

Iam not lifting more than 4 pounds, I am not driving nor intending on driving. I may be cooking and getting around the house fine but I know my limits. I havent forgotton; walk walk walk, breathe breathe breathe, nap nap nap.

Thanks for all the caring concernes. I know I havent posted much sence being out of the hospital, I will be posting more ofton and soon.

Thanks Again
We wives and mothers are worriers. But I've found that most of the time it's for the best. :)
Sounds like you're on the straight and narrow, Jeff.

Forgive me for kvetching about your activities, and try to just mark it down to concern, if you will. Some of us get so we feel we have a stake in new valve recoveries, and we don't want to see anyone have any more problems than they need to. Guess I fall right into that bunch.

Tell you what: I'll stop helping to throw wood on Michelle's fires, and you keep recovering as you feel works best for you.

Best wishes,
Jeff's Recovery

Jeff's Recovery

Well, Jeff goes to the doctor on Tuesday so I guess we will see then if he is over-doing things or not. I am not going to apoligize for being overly protective. I have a vested intrest in making sure he recovers and recovers without any setbacks! It is my job to take care of him right now. He may not like having me to everything, but I love him and want to make sure he is around for a long, long time! I wouldn't be called "Mother Hen" if I didn't try to protect the ones I love! I need to add to your recovery motto: Walk walk walk, breathe breathe breath, nap nap nap and don't lift don't lift don't lift!!
Karlynn said:
We wives and mothers are worriers. But I've found that most of the time it's for the best. :)

*rolls eyes*

I _know_ mothers and fathers and sisters (siblings, in general) are worriers. I wouldn't know about wives....


But this thread (in general) is a perfect example of how perspectives are "in the eye of the beholder".


Let's just say that my Western Swing road trip almost did not happen. A few days before I was to leave a couple well-meaning friends kindly suggested that, perhaps, I shouldn't go alone. What would happen if something happened on the road?

Well, we all know nothing did...and that I returned home just fine. But, those words, however well-intentioned they were, made me doubt my own self just a bit.

Of course, the flip side of knowing oneself is being over confident. Sometimes, the patients themselves will overdo it (I know I have) and not realize it until afterward, subjected to the relatives' words of "I told you so", soon after.


It's not easy...the balancing act between what one feels is OK for oneself and what others think is OK for you. I'm not even sure what the "key" is (if there even is one) to keeping that balancing act on an even level. But, if I had to point to any, it would be talking about it, however hard that might be.


I think I'll stop there...sorry for rambling.

Jeff, good luck with the doctor on Tuesday.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'6/'9/'81/'7, train/models =
MC Guide =
Sounds like he's desperate to prove he has control back over his life. I can't blame him for feeling it, but he may accidentally prove himself wrong.

Pam, There's nothing wrong with him lying on the bed. Some people find that they need the recliner to sleep, but if he wants to make the transition, it's only a matter of his comfort. The recliner is only a "maybe" for sleeping, but is very good for napping, as it keeps your feet up, and is (usually) fairly easy to get up out of.

I never had an issue, and slept in the bed from day one. Many others do, too. I did nap in a recliner during the day.

As far as going to work...well, probably not the best thing to do. Make sure he doesn't do it instead of walking - it's not a substitute for exercise in any way. Also, he should not sit with his feet down for more than a few minutes at a time for a while. Classic chair sitting restricts bloodflow. He should figure out how to keep his legs up and extended.

Driving is foolish. If he has to make a sudden maneuver, or comes to a short stop (seat belt or steering wheel) he will be laid up for a while. He also may be unable to react properly to a sudden swerve requirement - steering is all chest. Even a forgetful, casual swing of the car door could cause some real pain.

He may not need the homecare person for anything other than the INR testing by this point. I don't use Coumadin, but I didn't have a homecare person at all. I came home Friday, and my wife went back to work on Monday. Not out of callousness: I just didn't need it for food or basics.

A cell phone is good. I could call if I needed to from home. Or just sit down at the curb during a walk and call for a lift, if I was flagging (neither happened, but they could have). I had lots of friends who would have dropped what they were doing to pick me up. Made me feel good just to think of it.

It would be nice if the homecare person would show up once, though, just so you could give her a piece of your mind...

Good luck dealing with it. Sic the doctor on him, if you really need to.

It's like walking an untrained St. Bernard, though. He pretty much will go where he wants, and you can only hold your end of the leash and follow him, shouting for him to stop...

Best wishes,
If Mike is driving at 2 weeks..he still must have some pumpheadness...One must be alert to drive these days. :eek: Just hope he doesn't hurt someone a child..riding their bike,or darting into street....I also live in the mountains..and never know what is ahead of me when I take a curve. Usually a deer. :p :p I would have never driven at 2 weeks. took me around 4 weeks to be able to think again. :D :D Paying bills, reading numbers off of insurance card to someone on phone...My computer got a virus around my 3 week post-op..Hubby had to sit with me while I held phone and worked with computer geek to get it fixed. Horrible. I think I was laid up for 2 days after that.... :eek: And i wasn't on pain meds then..Just still having the effects of drugs from surgery still in my body....Bonnie
Another point you can tell him..Walking in snow :eek: and him on coumadin :eek: :eek: If he slips and falls backwards and hits his head :eek: :eek: Hubby is blowing leaves everyday for me..They cover our afraid I will miss a step. :eek: Our front yard is all terraced..stone and wood landscape timbers..It's things like these that one has to remember ..that you are on coumadin. :eek: Bonnie
Hide The Keys!~

Hide The Keys!~

You may have to do what I did and hide Mike's keys!! He is not too thrilled but I did it for his own good. I felt a little ganged up on over the weekend by some other patients on here so it's nice to hear I am not the only one who is TRYING ( not necessarily succeeding) to keep their loved one safe! I finally told Jeff that I give up. I am not going to tell him not to do this, that or the other any more. BUT I also don't want to hear a word about it if he gets hurt or sore as a result of his adventures!! :confused:


Yes..very warm and dry..but rain is suppose to come into our area Wed..and temps to go back to 60's the next few days..Living on top of a mountain. I hate when it is hot and dry. Afraid of a forest fire. :eek: ..So many trees are shedding their leaves. We didn't have a pretty leaf looking season. Leaves just fell from trees.. :confused: :confused: Bonnie
Jeff report

Jeff report

Jeff had his appointment today with his surgeon. The surgeon says Jeff is looking really good and everything seems to be going well. Still no driving!! He has to wait one month to drive and to go back to work. He is only allowed to go back half time at one month and gradually work his way back to full time. So I guess he is doing and not doing what he is supposed to. Yeah!!

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