Jayaresq surgery on Monday

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pgruskin said:
Al, look at the boxes above where you are writing your message.

What is it the safety experts always tell us? :confused:

Oh yeah, always be aware of your surroundings! :cool:

Hmmm... How many years have I been on VR.com and never never paid attention to these boxes? :eek:

WELL, "the cat is out of the bag now"! :D

OK, let's see how this comes out now...

'AL Capshaw'
Poor Ross! Now he is going to have pages full of colorful postings- better than colorful language I guess- we've had our problems with that!
Darn it, Darn it, Darn it!
bvdr said:
Thanks Jim!

[SIZE=3]I will keep you in my prayers for a successful surgery and complete recovery! I might even pray in technicolor now.[/SIZE][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]In seriousness, you will be in my heart and prayers.[/COLOR]

Betty, if you go to this post and edit it, you will see that one of the [COLOR commands is missing its right "]" You can manually put that back in. It often happens to people with quotes as well.

You probably know most of the rest of it, but for the benefit of any newbies...

The commands are made up of a
left bracket ([)
followed by a command (COLOR, QUOTE, I for italics, etc.)
followed by the right bracket (])

then the affected text

Then a left-bracket-and-slash ([/)
followed by the command again
followed by the right bracket (])
to close the command.

You can type the commands in manually, or click the button. They work the same. If you accidentally erase part of it, you can just type it back in.

You can check it by using the Preview Post button located under the post you're working on. To get back to the post you're working on when you've done a preview, page down on the screen. The "active" post is below the Preview post.

Best wishes,
Now for the post I came here to make...

We'll be waiting here on the other side, Jim. You'll be in my thoughts Monday, as you go through your preparations and I go through my day of work. Count on it. You will find that it goes faster than you expect, and you'll soon be waking up, thinking "It must be finished, and I'm still here. What happens next?"

As others have said, please ask Nathalie-Nanookyaya to post for you, so we'll know how you're doing. We do fret.

Best wishes,
Wish You The Best Jim..!

Wish You The Best Jim..!




It's your turn!

It's your turn!

Time flies and you'll have made it to the other side of the mountain before you know it! I'll say a special prayer for you starting now. Make sure you, your girlfriend and wee Amanda do something nice over the weekend to calm your nerves down. I'll be sending you positive vibes from Brazil on Monday. Will the surgery be in the morning or afternoon? Take care!
Débora :)
Thanx again as I head up the mountain

Thanx again as I head up the mountain

Nathalie has been a real trooper preparing for tomorow. Amanda's and my picnic and our talk went great. She wanted (and got) a nurse costume, so she could be ready to take walks with me when I come home. Brunch and one last swim at my mom's this morning and then a few remaining errands.

Thanx for all your support and advice and for making us feel so comfortable. I'll post again before trying to get some sleep . . .

-- Jim

P.S. Glad I could provide more color.
You ARE definitely ready!!

You ARE definitely ready!!

Nice to hear everything's going well with all the preparations. Monday's a good day to have surgery because the surgeon will be feeling brand new after having had his rest at the weekend. Amanda will also be very happy to be of help once you get back home. You know, getting you a glass of water, answering the phone, things like that will make her feel useful and part of your recovery process. I'm sure you'll be just fine! God will be there to make sure NOTHING goes wrong. I'll be looking forward to getting news as soon as someone's able to let us know how things went. Take care and remain calm.
Débora :)
Jim's surgery

Jim's surgery

I wish you an eventless surgery and a speedy recovery. I myself will be going to check in on Monday for surgery on Tuesday. I'm already looking forward to chat with you once we're both home. My daughter Ariana will get to choose if she wants to stay home and help or go to the beach with Grandma and Grandpa. I think she might pick the beach, my wife Dana was hospitalized with breast cancer two years ago, and Ariana is still kind-of scared from hospitals and all. Dana will try to post my progress if the hospital and the hotel provide access to the web.
I'll be thinking of you and your family,
Monday morning

Monday morning

A good day for surgery, when i had mine. you will do fine. My prayers will be coming your way tomorrow morning. see ya on the other side.


Thank you again to all of you for helping to bring me this far. AVR is a scant ten hours or so away and, believe it or not, I am fairly composed. Of course, much of that is due to how well this site has prepared me and the never-ending love and support of Nathalie and my close friends and mother. I have put off the chest shaving ritual and betadine soap shower as long as possible, but that?s next.

I am scheduled to report at Cedars-Sinai at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow, but I am certainly not a morning person. I am assured, however, that the surgeon is. Since I am likely to be out of touch for a couple of days, I am sending my best wishes now to those of you/us who are having or lovingly supporting heart surgeries in the next few days. My prayers and best wishes to all. Nathalie will no doubt post as to my progress at her first opportunity.

In the future, I now promise to give all the readers of the pre-surgery forum a rest from my posts, but will be no less participatory in the heart talk and post-surgery forums.

Many heartfelt thanks for all the encouragement, love and support. The ?mountain? looks small because of you. -- Jim

Not surprised to hear of your calm. Those of us who have been there usually find this to be the case. It is a realization that you have given control to those that can help be it surgeons, God (or whatever higher power you believe in), loved ones, etc. You can now merely sit back and focus on getting through recovery as that will be YOUR task.

Best of luck and see you on the other side.

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