It's Official - No Mas

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What a personal evolution! Good luck to you - you have what it takes!
All the best,
What a personal evolution! Good luck to you - you have what it takes!
All the best,

yeah..... what she said!!

And hey, I like how your changed your little comment at the end from "in the waiting room" to "in the living room". Awesome.

So if you need to take a break from us here, that's okay. Just come back once in awhile because we are here and we care about you. Have a wonderful life! Make a wonderful new life (wasn't that in the plans?)!! Congratulations!

Best wishes.

You were in my stompin' grounds! Northwestern is where my cardio is at. I have 22 years of history in that place! Don't you just love the incredibly narrow streets around it???

Anyway - MRI - ShmemRI - you've been chosen to be our inaugural replacement surgery and we won't be denied.

So congratulations on the good news - but we have the Jack Daniels all set up to sterilize your chest. :D (As well as ourselves) And it's been poured over the butter knife/scalpel, so it's a clean and ready to go.

Did you notice they have horn morse code for myriads of combative language like "F you", "*******" and "i don't like what you're doing"? Oh, and people will basically trip over your moving car while walking the crosswalks. In Michigan, people will just get out of their cars and try to fight you... but Chicago people are all honk.

As far as antiseptic, JD, vodka, it all works. Everclear or Bacardi 151 would prolly work best though.

I had an entire body cramp in the hour long MRI. I think it was more like 1.5 hours... i dunno. My heart was beating so fast toward the end because of the pain that it had to take pictures of every other beat, ergo further delaying the completion of the study. If they would've stopped to let me out and stretch half way I would've been fine.

I am very happy for you. I sure hope this doesn't means we will be hearing from you less. I have really enjoyed all your help and information on things. Thanks for being there for the rest of us. Enjoyed getting to know you, have a great day

Hey, I'm glad you guys are learning stuff too. That's what this site is all about. Thanks for the confirmation!

That is great news, and even better news for the surgery team....

We here at VRSC (Valve Replacement Surgery Center) are very pleased with your thorough research and due diligence of getting second and third opinions. We have reviewed your results and feel that it is now time to schedule a consult with VRSC. Our proud staff has years of experience when it comes to dealing with matters of heart valves. If you would like to see some of our stats, we would be more than happy to provide them to you (uh, anyone know how to fudge some stats?). We feel that you are a prime candidate for surgery and advise you to not wait any longer. Looking at your test results, you are what we consider a "low" risk candidate and would make a full recovery with no complications (We specialize in "low" risk surgeries...helps our stats and operating confidence). Please refer to "Small Talk" to schedule an appointment. We are proud to announce that we are now taking credit card payments via "Small Talk" so feel free to provide the information when arranging an appointment. Thank you and we look forward to messing, uh, working with you.



My wife was reading this and she thought it was some sort of official letter at first. My poor girl. :rolleyes:

Great to read some good news!

Now what you gonna do with all your time? lol

I'm gonna sit around and post on forums all day, duh! :D

No really, I just started Network+ and Novel Linux certification courses that the state of michigan paid for through the "No Worker Left Behind" grant. That's taking alot of my time for now.

I also try to savor life, as cheesy as that sounds. I'm trying to treat it more like an every day field trip. I try to take the wife places we've never been before, do fun stuff... BTW, Chicago bars are open till 4am. ;) Just bring plenty of cash.

I'd really like to have the portion of my brain that remembers the aorta issue erased, to be honest. I am definitely moving on, but I know it's still necessary to keep an eye on it.

Thanks to everyone for your kind words. I'm absolutely not going anywhere. I realized after I wrote the thread that it kind of sounded like goodbye, but it's not. You can't get rid of me! :D
Hooray!...this really is great news Aaron and you sound very pleased with the final verdict. Now go out and have some fun with your very lovely wife.

OK now....No more restless nights wondering if you are gonna blow your aorta up hey!...Promise us!
Hi Aaron ~ WONDERFUL news!! I'm SO happy for you!! Yes, please make sure you keep in's nice having you here.

I guess I got my answer! I sent you a PM to catch me up on what was going on with you. And Northwestern Memorial no less. I hope your experience there was satisfactory and calming. Who did you see, if I may ask?
You were in my stompin' grounds! Northwestern is where my cardio is at. I have 22 years of history in that place! Don't you just love the incredibly narrow streets around it???

To heck with the narrow streets! Its the PARKING LOT FEES that are the monster! They WILL work out a payment plan for you however!

Ahhhhhh, downtown Chicago!
Congrats on the news.... i know things will continue to work out.

Aaron, Just want to express how dependent I've become on your posts! I'm glad you got "good news", but sure am glad you say you're not leaving us! Keep listening to your body, and how you feel. You are the best judge of your condition! Anyway, thanks for being such a generous contributor here. I treasure your presence. Brian

I guess I got my answer! I sent you a PM to catch me up on what was going on with you. And Northwestern Memorial no less. I hope your experience there was satisfactory and calming. Who did you see, if I may ask?

I saw your surgeon bro :D He kinda seemed like "ummm, why are you here?" without really saying it. He knew coming in that he was a kind of tie breaker though. I still have a kind of "man I hope I didn't mess this up" feeling about it, but whatever. 4.1 cm is too small. I keep reminding myself that it's highly unlikely for me to have an issue, and all that jazz.

Dude, it was like 30 dollars to park my car overnight until 9am in a building. How do people live there? Visa/Mastercard juggling? I felt like a fish out of water. Very surreal with the gothic structures and an amazing amount of people EVERYWHERE.

But thanks again folks for the kind words. Please remember I'm actually a clown pretending to know what I'm talking about, and I am definitely not a doctor. You can't sue me for giving bad info because I don't have E&O insurance, plus I'll just file bankruptcy. :D

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