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Mark Wagner

Well-known member
Jan 26, 2003
Port Orchard, WA
Hi 'My Friends'
I just thought I would tell you all 'bye' untill the 14th. My wife and I will be leaving on vacation Tuesday morning, and slowly be working are way toward Victoria, Canada. Sunday the 12th, I'll tackle the 26.2 mile monster!
So on Sunday while your having your morning 'cup' be thinking about me; and if your in Church, (which is where you should be :) ) say a prayer for me. If your at the late service, I'm sure I'll need it by then! :eek:
Something else I want to say with all my heart...I know I will be thinking about you. Yes, I am running for children; but I am also running for heart patients, like each one of you. In my eyes this is your marathon as well; for it proves nothing can hold us back from living a quality life and reaching the goals we set, but ourselves.
Thank you for your encouragement this past year. See you at the finish line!

God bless. ... Mark
Hey Mark,
Good Luck and have a safe trip. Enjoy your vacation. Thank you for being there for all of us. You and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
Go get em Tiger!

I don't wait for Sunday's to talk to the man. I do that every day. I'm afraid if I don't, he'll forget all about me and I'll be insignificant.
Go enjoy yourself some before the big event. I'll be waiting to hear the end results. Good luck and God bless. ;)
Pick 'em up and put 'em down...all the way Mark!
Les AVR '93 / '95
hi mark!
i hope you and your wife have a wonderful vacation.
we will be at the reunion toasting you at brunch while you run_ please know that we will all be thinking of you and praying for you.
you are just amazing!
stay well and we can't wait to hear from you all about how it was.
all the best, sylvia
Have a good and safe run Mark. Looking forward to the race report!

Your posts usually touch my heart - this one did. Thank you Mark for running for those of us who can't. It must be exhilarating. My prayers, like Ross, go all the time.

And Ross - you will never be insignificant! No way. Right, folks?
Hey Mark - I was out yesterday when you posted - I'm sorry I missed it.. :-( But I wanted to let you know that as a heart patient - I'm deeply appreciative for the 'message' you give to me and others - that we can live a good quality of life.. :)

I wish one day I could do a full marathon and bring the same message to others. Hearing about you - gives me hope that maybe one day I will be able to do it. I want to hear all about it when you get back. Every last detail.. :) Every mile !!!

Happy Trails and May God Bless You

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