Rossman... don?t go getting defensive on me!!
Rossman... don?t go getting defensive on me!!
I looked to see if 'friggin' was in the Merriam Webster Online dictionary... I typed in ?frigging? and this is what I got........
Main Entry: frig
Pronunciation: 'frig
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): frigged; frig·ging
Etymology: Middle English fryggen to wriggle
Date: 1598
usually vulgar : COPULATE -- sometimes used in the present participle as a meaningless intensive
I was surprised it was there!

Since it was, I looked up other offensive words, to see if they were there also.... THEY ARE?!!

I don?t think the no-no words were in the dictionary when I was a kid.... were they?
Oh, and Ross, sweetie... I take full responsibility and credit for all thirteen letters of my
circumstances Thank you.