It's a Boy!

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Kim, I know exactly what you went through. Like I posted before, I found out I had severe mitral stenosis when I was 20 weeks pregnant. Though I was not on bedrest(the opposite, actually)I too was very symptomatic. I had a c-section with Erik, and had my tubal ligation during the delivery. It was a stressful time, but I made it through it. I had a mitral valvuplasty during my pregnancy to help me get through it, and then when Erik was 3 months old, I had a mitral valve replacement. I was so sick that I could not sleep on our bed, but had to sleep sitting upright on our couch. I was encouraged to stay active and my husband( who is in the navy) got to stay home with me to help me out and take me to the doctor whenever I had to go. Good luck, Kim, and I am glad that Coulson is healthy. Erik came out healthy too. THey are more resilient than we could have ever imagined. The human body is amazing! Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!

I feel like I should add that I was a mother of a very active a curious 2 year old when I found out about my heart problems. I was a busy person already, and Ian(who is now 4 1/2 years old ) was sent to MN with my mom and brother, and that was the hardest thing of all to handle. I cried the whole day he left. At that point I became angry because I felt like the decision was made without me(which it was, but we had no other choice.) Once I understood that, I was much better off. It took forever to understand everything that had happened and was happening to me. The reason that a person't heart can act up during pregnancy is because there is like 3 times the normal amount of blood going through your body, and your heart has to pump that much harder and work that much more. If it has a bad valve, the blood will back up into your lungs causing edema, and therefore you go into CHF, and have no energy. I was 23 with no energy, and a son who had a ton! It didn't go together very well! I'm glad Coulson is healthy, and once again, congratulations!

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