I remember seeing Tal Golesworthy Ted Talk yeats ago and was following their progress when this was in its infancy in Europe and seems like it has come a long way.
On getting another opinion. I would advise you to go with your head and heart. If you feel you need to get one, go for it. Never mind what the surgeon thinks, this is your body and you are the advocate for the care of it. It is not that you do not trust them, you just want to make a sound decision. Good luck in whatever you do.Thank you all.
@Keithl and @vitdoc - yep, 7 is quite a small number. I also don't like it. He is a renowned surgeon on other type of interventions, but not on PEARS. This is why I fear I may be a guinea pig.
@Protimenow - I understand your point entirely. It is never a good time to have surgery of course, but true, it could be that this is a good time to intervene, then hopefully I can get on with my life. Waiting is also not good for my sanity. Its been far too long.
@Midpack - Correct, I also have a cardiologist. I am thinking about another opinion, basically I have to admit, I feel that I may upset my current surgeon/cardiologist if I seek for another opinion. Its like I am telling them that I don't trust them. I may ask my doctor to refer me to another cardiologist/surgeon. Do you think I should inform my current surgeon/doctor? Not sure how best to approach (bear in mind that the Netherlands is a small country. We also have insurance etc.)
Again thank you all.
I can’t find a facility on line that does the Ozaki technique in America for an adult. Does anyone know if/where it’s done for adults in the USA? I’ve already had one go round with having a serious medical problem solved by using my own flesh. Total comfort and no rejection.
Cleveland Clinic has a surgeon trained in it which is why they offered it to me. I gather I was an ideal candidate since I was rather young at 58, healthy, and not other issues. My surgeon was good, he offered, supplied reading material and told me if I was interested to let him know and he would have the surgeon that trained under the inventor of the technique do it with his assistance. I passed, not interest in being a guinea pig.