Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
just to show the level of backing down and reality changing you do to othersI'm asking real questions about real things. If you guys want to continue and insult me that's your deal.
What you unleashed at the start was this:
>>I'm asking real questions about real things. If you guys want to continue and insult me that's your deal. You guys sound like a bunch of sick bastards. I can't believe the abuse I'm getting on a cardiac related website.<<
so tinnitus has nothing to do with cardiac right?
Get a Inspiris Resilia and move on ... delaying further will be irreparably damaging your cardiac muscle. Please consult and book in as a matter of urgency.
Also you yourself know that it is now way too late to go back to the USA because you'll have no health cover and you'll have to wait. You could actually die in the waiting period.