Well I also had a high HR reading over 175 bpm in December. Prior to that, I only had one episode back in 2019. Last July, when I had my annual Echo, my cardio said I'm stable but mentioned that some people with prior heart surgery may develop Afib as they hit their 60's and up. So he suggested I buy a Kardia ECG monitor. I bought the 6 Lead and was told to record an ECG once a week and send him any abnormals. In January, after my high reading in December which looked like an atrial flutter, I was hooked up with a 30-day Event monitor which didn't show anything exciting and was quite unremarkable. A few weeks ago, another 175+bpm reading. He determined that this was Afib and put me on Eliquis 5mg 2x per day. In all 3 episodes, the HR corrected itself.
I have a zoom with him next week to discuss further. I was also scheduled for a followup in May. Seems like a popular topic.
Not sure how to add to a previous message but here goes.
As a followup to my March zoom, my cardio has put me on Metoprolol Tartrate 25mg daily along with the Eliquis for now until I see him next monh in July. Ideally, he wants to treat me by lowering the HR and not by just thinning my blood by anticoagulant. The plan is to hopeful take me off the Eliquis and just take the Metoprolol. He's also thinking about another MCOT monitor experiment for 30 days. Anyway, my HR has decreased from 75 to close to 65 so it seems to be working.