Introduction from a newby

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Sep 13, 2011
Hiya, I had my aortic valve replaced Aug 2nd 2011. I had stenosis and it finally got the best of me. I have been back in the hospital twice for flutter and tachycardia. They filled me with "go slow" juice and sent me back home. Apparently I can't do any carbonated beverages or anything with artificial sweeteners unless I want to welcome my A-Fib overlords.

Had a tough time with breathing but that seems to be trapped gas. I'm using Pepcid and another gas reducer but nothing seems to work. I just have to bear down and burp it out. It can hurt like heck sometimes if it won't let go. Feels like a heart attack without the chest pressure.

Anyone else suffered with trapped gas?
Hey Billy, welcome !
Those return trips to the hospital are a bummer, but things should settle down. There are a few "triggers" for some of
these irregular heartbeats: caffeine, high sugar, high fat meals, stress, salty foods, lack of sleep, etc.
Well, I guess that just about takes all the fun out of living...doesn't it? Not really, just pace yourself until you see
what foods bother your system.
And don't try to hold off on burping. Let 'er rip, it's good to expel trapped gas that won't go down the other route. ;)
Sometimes moving around and having an after meal peppermint candy or mint tea helps.
Hi Billy, and welcome. I didn't react to artificial sweeteners, but the first time I had a caffeinated beverage I went into A-fib. I haven't had one since, as I prefer a calmed heartbeat. I did have the gas situation, but after taking some anxiety meds I found out that at least for me, this was brought on by worry and anxiety. Not sure if this is the case for you or not, but that was my situation. I am glad to see you here, and hope that you stay a while and get to be part of the community.

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