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I've been reading through some posts ever since I had my initial BAV diagnosis in March of this year. This site has been a great resource for stories and support.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has shared their stories here. Seems like I'm in good company!

About me:

I'm 32 and have been a fairly active cyclist. At 6'2 and 183 lbs, I'm as healthy as can be - despite the condition. I've completed some fairly long rides, as much as 150km (albeit at a much more leisurely pace since the diagnosis.)

I currently have moderate-severe aortic regurgitation, 4.7cm ascending aortic aneurysm and an enlarged left ventricle which is estimated at 6.7cm but could be larger (potentially 7.4cm - waiting on official measurement). Not fun. I don't have a surgery date yet as I have not shown any signs of heart failure. I've met my surgeon and recently had an MRI. So far I've been stable except for the left ventricle size - but I have a feeling I'll be on the other side pretty soon.

I noticed my heart beating a little harder than normal back in March and got the diagnosis. I have a twin brother who also has BAV, but his valve is performing very well. We were adopted, so we didn't have any family medical records - making the diagnosis a surprise. Glad I went to the doctor as both my brother and I were no strangers to heavy lifting! Good chance we avoided something much worse.

I look forward to sharing my continued stories - hopefully they'll help others as well.
I'm glad you were diagnosed and have a treatment plan worked out. The thought of OHS can be scary but beats the "much worse" alternative. Keep us posted.
As honeybunny said, there is one good thing about this diagnosis -- you will be monitored and will develop a treatment plan. Had you not been diagnosed, at some point you (and your family) might have been very badly surprised. This way, they can watch and when the time is right, fix things so you get to live a normal lifespan.

Welcome, and feel free to ask all of your questions. Folks here are among the most caring and sharing people I've met.