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Well I've spent the morning chasing around to see where things are at, and finally managed to confirm that I have been excepted on the waiting list at priority level H.......whatever that means?
Welcome Scott. My guess is priority level H means High, which I hope means you'll be on the mend soon with your new valve.
Found out what it means.

The clinical priority categories are:
E - emergency—patients requiring in hospital surgery;
H - urgent waiting at home;
O - semi-urgent out of hospital; and
A - active review
h for high?

h for high?

gidday scott

great news, you should be all fixed up in time for a great kiwi summer!


Hey Scottie,

My Cardiologist is Ralph Stewart at Greenlane. Top bloke; he breaks all the rules for his patients. I've been with him for 15 years. I had the Ross procedure last year. Peter Raudkivi is the best Ross surgeon in NZ.