I have previously posted my picture of the present, repaired site of the highway 35 bridge which collapsed with the loss of thirteen lives. I didn't go into details at that time, but to me the photo had a lot of symbolism. I shot it at night, as it seemed to give a better representation of the tragedy that occurred there. The symbolism of the dark river below is obvious. The lights on the new bridge, and the "stars" above reminds me of the beauty of life. The knowledge that the bridge is not permanent reminds me of the brevity of life. But here is what struck me a couple of days ago. Follow this link to what I think is a wonderful painting to be auctioned for the benefit of survivors of the tragedy.
To see the similarities, follow this link to the photo I took a month or so ago:
I found the site and took my first picture in the daylight. It was later that I decided the best time for the picture might be at night. I am wondering now if I might have seen the artist as I was setting up for the photo. It would have been great to talk to her.
To see the similarities, follow this link to the photo I took a month or so ago:
I found the site and took my first picture in the daylight. It was later that I decided the best time for the picture might be at night. I am wondering now if I might have seen the artist as I was setting up for the photo. It would have been great to talk to her.