Interesting Bit of News Concerning Bill Collections and Hospitals.

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Ross said:
Free, not to us, we make too much money! I am going to consult an attorney and yes, pay for it, but the fears of bankruptcy appear to be the only way to go.
Ross, you may be surprised- sometimes a letter from your attorney, outlining the situation and how much better off they would be if they took whatever you can pay rather than have you file bankruptcy, might do the trick. I hope so!
Out on a limb

Out on a limb

Ross said:
Many people have told me that as long as I'm paying something, the hospital can't do anything. Well, those folks are wrong! :confused: . . . Also, it does NOT protect you from further recourse the hospital may have, should they decide to proceed to protect their interest. . . If the bill is large enough, they can & will turn it over for collections or to a collection attorney for suit.

Is it just me, or is anyone else thinking, "What the h--- are they gonna do . . . repossess the valve!" I mean really. :eek:

They try to scare you with those threats; but you have rights as a consumer to not be subjected to "scare tactics." :mad:

In my case, I'm so broke, they'd be hurting themselves by trying to sue (racking up attorney's fees that I could never pay them). What can I give them. I can't see any sane judge granting them anymore than you've already agreed to pay, based on your income (and outgo).

If it's one thing I know, I know bills . . . . I'm not saying that you should just freeload, or not try to pay it back; but you should not lose any sleep over this. There are government subsidies, grants, etc. that hospitals use for this very purpose. Take some deep breaths, and trust God. :)
Lynlw said:
I'm not sure if the new bankrupcty laws kicked in yet or at the end of the month, but I would check incase you have to file fast before the harder laws, Lyn
Yes they went into effect on the 17th or a week ago Monday. It's going to cost alot more to file, many more hoops to jump through and I don't have the details as of yet, but may even be able to force a home equity loan, which I can't see. I mean sheesh, If I can't pay them what they want a month, how am I going to pay on a loan? When this all started, the first and foremost thing was to make sure we'd have a place to live. As this unfolds, it's becoming scarier by the moment.

I'd love to lose no sleep over this, really I would, but with so many unanswered questions and limited knowledge of what they can and can't do, it's impossible.
Ross, Please know that your not alone in this...

Ross, Please know that your not alone in this...

I am in alot (not all, but alot) of the same situations that you are, and I know how you are feeling. Please know that you and yours are in my prayers that things will get better and that you will be able to get the rest that you certainly deserve. I am wondering though, are your hospitals out there "for profit" hospitals or are they community hospitals that are non profit? I know alot of ours here in NH have turned into for profit hospitals, and I for one think that this is a horrible situation...I think that it's a basic human right to have medical care without having to worry about whether you can afford to purchase that kidney or if you can afford that OHS... What is this world coming to? Your in my thoughts and prayers...Harrybaby :D :D :D :D :D :D
*sits with nerves starting to unravel*

My goodness, Ross ... this is a continuation of the conversation you and I had when I visited you while I was in Ohio this past August, isn't it?

*shakes head*

Your situation is another reason why I'm hesitant to "move out" and get out of the "office" job I have ... and into that traveling job I want so badly. And the fact that my stomach is churning with the possibilities of what may happen to you ... and to me, others ... pisses me off to no end. I don't know how much more of this I can take...............

I better stop there ... except to write that, Ross, you and yours are in my thoughts/prayers.....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"I can?t take anymore" ... 3rd Eye Blind ... 'How's It Going To Be'
Ross, this is why we had to sell our house. Not because of hospital bills, but because of other debt...we had to take out personal loans to pay our mortgage. We couldn't afford the sewer, the water, the electric, the phone, the cable, nothing. That's all stuff you have to have. well, not the cable, but water, sewer electric, garbage, it all got shut off almost once a month. Except the sewer, but even they had a pretty hefty lien against our property. Vent all you want, most of us have been there!
I am reading this and know a little of what you are talking about. Thank goodness we have children at home. I think this past year we qualify as poverty level but I am sorry it does not cost that much less for living expenses when you are alone or just a couple.

Randy was laid off for near a year. We qualified for medicaid, thank you God, but nothing else, food stamps other bennefits, because he has a 410k of more than 2000 dollars. You all know what the penalty is for cashing those out- it is such a catch 22.

I don't have financial answers for you Ross but know there are a bunch who care please don't let despair take over. I will at least pray for you and that a solution will be found.

Wish there was more I could do. Wish I were smarter too.

Ross said:
We have an HCAP program that does that too, but let me show you something here.

Lets take minimum wage 5.15 an hour x 40 hours a week 206 times 52 weeks= 10,712. Ok, now lets put that perspective to pratical use and tell me where someone making simple minimum wage full time would qualify for free help? You won't and can't. You'd have to be working part time at minimum wage to qualify or on welfare.


Now Lyns income and my S.S. Disability (Oh yes, were married, so it has to be combined! Gross Income, they don't use Net) combined puts us at 150% of poverty level, just out of range of most all types of assistance, but yet, not enough to do much with but survive. Certainly not fixing my house, not taking trips, just basic living expenses being met. This is what we are up against. Were not even eligible for help with fuel oil this winter because the same scale is used as here.
Ross sorry to hear about your problems with the health care system. After reading yours and others problems with getting appropriate and affordable medical treatment, I can only sympathise with you. Being an outside looking in it appears the health care system is some kind of byzantine maze to be negotiated. :confused: I can't offer any advice as obviously things are very different in Australia. I trust you will get a satisfactory resolution to the current problems you are experiencing. :)
Oh Ross, I do know how this is bothering you.. I had to file chap 13 last year..had insurance then..but being down on and off sooo much, other bills got behind( cc..etc..), now they have raised my cobra 35 %.. had a choice of insurance or mortgage pymts won.. :eek: this is why I do my utmost to not go to drs, or end back in surgery...I do go to sliding scale GP, and my meds now are even cheaper than before w/ bcbs.. but hospitals?? I will die right here at home there any catastrophic care you can check into? Oh I am thinking of you and the pup

You've probably already come across these resources, and I am not sure if there are strings attached to them, but wanted to send them on to you, just in case. . ..

Lawyer Referral Service, Stark County Bar Association 453-0686
116 Cleveland Avenue N, Suite 400, Canton, 44702.
Robin Rostonski, Executive Director. Half-hour conference with attorney for $15. No obligation after initial counseltation.

List of Free Medical Assistance:

Canton Community Clinic (454-2000)- Executive Director
1950 E Tuscarawas Street, Canton 44707. Offers a variety of free, primary
care medical, dental services and referrals. Office hours 9 - 4 weekdays.
Walk-ins accepted, appointments preferred.

not the cable?

not the cable?

joy said:
Ross, this is why we had to sell our house. Not because of hospital bills, but because of other debt...we had to take out personal loans to pay our mortgage. We couldn't afford the sewer, the water, the electric, the phone, the cable, nothing. That's all stuff you have to have. well, not the cable, but water, sewer electric, garbage, it all got shut off almost once a month. Except the sewer, but even they had a pretty hefty lien against our property. Vent all you want, most of us have been there!

I think we've already established the importance of cable!!! :D

I can't tell you how many times I've come home from a hard day's work, in search of a good t.v. show--to take my mind off my troubles. ;)

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