We have an HCAP program that does that too, but let me show you something here.
Lets take minimum wage 5.15 an hour x 40 hours a week 206 times 52 weeks= 10,712. Ok, now lets put that perspective to pratical use and tell me where someone making simple minimum wage full time would qualify for free help? You won't and can't. You'd have to be working part time at minimum wage to qualify or on welfare.
Now Lyns income and my S.S. Disability (Oh yes, were married, so it has to be combined! Gross Income, they don't use Net) combined puts us at 150% of poverty level, just out of range of most all types of assistance, but yet, not enough to do much with but survive. Certainly not fixing my house, not taking trips, just basic living expenses being met. This is what we are up against. Were not even eligible for help with fuel oil this winter because the same scale is used as here.