I think your problem may be that you may only be able to get them in lots of 48 strips. (I use a ProTime meter and they sell mine in packs of 25, but I've had to get 48 for my CoaguChek S).
You can probably go online and find a vendor who sells to medical practitioners - and your doctor should be able to buy them for you -- but they may expire before you've used them all up. (If your doctor's office does testing, perhaps they can split an order with you)
I've suggested previously - and suggest again - that others who may have extra strips (maybe they had to buy 48) may be able to send you a private message and offer to split a batch with you. As long as it's done through private messaging--and the Valve Replacement Forum can't possibly (nor should it) monitor all messages between users, the forum shouldn't be held responsible for facilitating this. I just think that people who want to - and can - do their own testing and/or anticoagulation management should be allowed to. THIS IS A PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE - and I really believe that putting up blocks between those who CAN successfully self test and the medical establishment may result in a higher number of strokes, deaths, or other coagulation-related emergencies than making these things available. I know there are a few here who don't agree - and I'll get another round of flak for it. If you already have a meter, and already can use the meter, and possibly have a doctor who can advise on management issues - if those on this forum can't already give good advice - then why SHOULDN'T you be able to?
(If you're comfortable with it, you may be able to buy some strips on eBay -- I think I've seen some sold in smaller quantities)