This is my first post. First the obligatory thank you! My wife founds this site after I was told in January that I needed my ascending aorta and bicuspid aortic valve replaced with a mechanical valve. The information and the positive attitudes of all of you that had gone before me was a big factor in both of us getting comfortable with the procedure and being on warfarin. Having a huge amount of trust in my cardiologist Dr. David Liang and surgeon Dr. Craig Miller, both at Stanford, obviously helped as well. They were both awesome and I'm doing great after my March 7 surgery. Now to my question - My doctors gave me an INR range of 1.8 to 2.4. I'm also taking a baby aspirin and their explanation of the lower end of the range being at 1.8 was that with the aspirin and my otherwise healthiness they are fine "running me a little lower" than the standard INR guidelines for valve replacement. I've obviously read many a post here that a range of less than one is a bit tight and perhaps unrealistic given the natural variances of warfarin therapy and the testing of it so we don't need to cover that. I'm wondering if anyone else out there has been given a range with a low end of 1.8 or so? Also generally wondering what your reaction to such a range is (other than it's a little tight). Just as an FYI - I was hovering about 2.1 or 2.2 until I went back to work and exchanged my 2 daily walks of 45 minutes for a 30-40 minute jog every other day. My last 2 tests (each 3 weeks apart) were 2.6 and 2.7 and I'll go another 4 weeks before my next test.