Influences For Mechanical Valve Selection

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Well ding, ding, ding. You have such nice mannars. It was very nice of you to respond to the folks who shared their experiences with you. We are a trusting bunch.

It seems that you would like to contribute to this board and your writing skills are excellent. Have you thought about contributing to the "stories" portion of the board. I'm positive that many of us would like to know more about your valve/repair experiences.

Can you tell us why you have not responded to the questions asked by Bonnie, Me, and Catwoman.

I note that you have already published a 2007 edition to your book of 2006. Congratulations!!! I also note that many of the posts that you have made here seem to be represented in the new edition....Are some taken word-for-word? If you told people that their responses would be used for your new edition, I would have no concerns....and you probably would have gotten many of the same good responses. But you phrased your inquires as though you were just a valve recipient who had questions....about sex after surgery,
Post-op scaring ointments, Foreign heart valve replacement, Vitamins and nutrition, valve selection, and the list goes on.

Please tell us how many of these topics appear in your second edition and how many were written word-for- word from the responses you got from trusting folks here, folks who did not know that they were being quoted for your publication and your own self aggrandizement.

I am not trying to be difficult. I just would like to know?

Kindest regards,
On-X recipient weighs in

On-X recipient weighs in

hey man, good luck to youse
I went with the On-x, did the research but basically listened to one of the best guys in the country at UCLA who calmly told me he thought I wouldn't even need coumadin in a few years because of the low, low incidence of thrombisis (clots?) in the On-x.

So far (one year) so good. I mean, I don't have anything to compare it with, but if you're interested, email me and I'll give you advice. Whatever you choose will be fine. I myself didn't want to have to go back in.

and coumadin...once your body gets used to it it's just another pill to take. And you gotta check your level once a month, get a home tester, takes about 5 minutes.

best of luck!!!!!:D


I googled your site....The Patients Guide To Heart surgery Book...HUGE site that you set up..Lots of reading, the very end you Posted..Learn From 78 Former Valve Surgery Patients...That you had completed an extensive online survery..of 78 people that had their valves replaced?..Giving their info?I have been on VR.Com for 5 years. I thought that Hank,s site..that he started years the only site to come to...The best..:D ..What other sites did you find on the Internet..that 78 people told you about their Valve surgery?. They need to come and join us..:D Bonnie
Blanche said:
Well ding, ding, ding. You have such nice mannars. It was very nice of you to respond to the folks who shared their experiences with you. We are a trusting bunch.

It seems that you would like to contribute to this board and your writing skills are excellent. Have you thought about contributing to the "stories" portion of the board. I'm positive that many of us would like to know more about your valve/repair experiences.

Can you tell us why you have not responded to the questions asked by Bonnie, Me, and Catwoman.

I note that you have already published a 2007 edition to your book of 2006. Congratulations!!! I also note that many of the posts that you have made here seem to be represented in the new edition....Are some taken word-for-word? If you told people that their responses would be used for your new edition, I would have no concerns....and you probably would have gotten many of the same good responses. But you phrased your inquires as though you were just a valve recipient who had questions....about sex after surgery, post-op scaring ointments, Foreign heart valve replacement, Vitamins and nutrition, valve selection, and the list goes on.

Please tell us how many of these topics appear in your second edition and how many were written word-for- word from the responses you got from trusting folks here, folks who did not know that they were being quoted for your publication and your own self aggrandizement.

I am not trying to be difficult. I just would like to know?

Kindest regards,

Hi Blanche,

Nice to meet you. And, thanks for the kind words.

You raise some great questions. You're not being difficult at all. I appreciate your thoughts and concerns.

So you know...

I have not included any of the information from this site in my book. That said, the topics raised by me here at (sex after surgery, post-op scaring ointments, foreign heart valve replacement, vitamins and nutrition, valve selection) were based on curiosity.

Many of you have experiences that I intended to learn from.

That said, my book does not include any content generated from posts here at So you know, Hank has a copy of my book. If you don't believe me, feel free to ask him. In fact, I reference several times in my book as a great place to learn more about heart valve surgery.

Does that make sense? I hope this addresses your concern.

If you have any other questions, feel free to write back.


Bonnie, in Adams defence back in april he asked for people willing to complete a survey for inclusion in his next book so this may have been the source he mentioned on his web site. Having said that I agree that any time a question is asked so as to gather information to be included in future publications this should be disclosed so every peson answering does so with the knowledge that it may later be used by him .....Mary
With all respect Adam, how could your book not include information from this site? Just because you might not use names or exact quotes, the very content of your book has to be influenced by all the information here.

I don't think any of us necessarily mind the content here being used since this is a public site but I, personally, wish you would simply be upfront about the reason for your information seeking. "Just curious" doesn't quite ring true because the information on this thread can be found elsewhere on this site if you search for it. However, it seems to me that you wanted it all in one place and there has to be a reason for that.

I would also hope that some of the proceeds of the book are donated to since you are advertising it on this site and, I am still certain, much of the content of your book came from this site.
aussie girl said:
Bonnie, in Adams defence back in april he asked for people willing to complete a survey for inclusion in his next book so this may have been the source he mentioned on his web site. Having said that I agree that any time a question is asked so as to gather information to be included in future publications this should be disclosed so every peson answering does so with the knowledge that it may later be used by him .....Mary

Adam, That reminds me, Did you share the results from the survery the members were kind enough to answer here since we all want to learn from each other?
Geez, I'm not too perceptive, am I? I'm just blathering on about my experience and didn't even notice that you had already had your surgery. I'm not opposed to my experiences being used in a book, but as the others have said, just let us know in advance. Next time I'll pay more attention. :eek:
Sherry said:
Geez, I'm not too perceptive, am I? I'm just blathering on about my experience and didn't even notice that you had already had your surgery. I'm not opposed to my experiences being used in a book, but as the others have said, just let us know in advance. Next time I'll pay more attention. :eek:

That's actually what makes me a little nervous. The thing that makes this such a great site,IMO is the members are very willing to be share their experiences and be very open and honest in hopes of helping others. Even tho this is a public forum, people will share all kinds of info since they want to help. IF you worry about things ending up in books,(Even IF names aren't used)then some people might think twice about being as open and helpful. That would be very sad.
geebee said:
With all respect Adam, how could your book not include information from this site? Just because you might not use names or exact quotes, the very content of your book has to be influenced by all the information here.

I don't think any of us necessarily mind the content here being used since this is a public site but I, personally, wish you would simply be upfront about the reason for your information seeking. "Just curious" doesn't quite ring true because the information on this thread can be found elsewhere on this site if you search for it. However, it seems to me that you wanted it all in one place and there has to be a reason for that.

I would also hope that some of the proceeds of the book are donated to since you are advertising it on this site and, I am still certain, much of the content of your book came from this site.

Hey there Geebee,

I think there continues to be some sort of confusion. Or, maybe, I just don't understand your point.

However, to be clear... You should know that none of the content in my book was taken or inspired from posts on this site. Nor, did I ever take posts and embed them in my book.

As for donating to Yes, I have made a donation to the site to help Hank run it. However, it's not because I'm "advertsing". Alternatively, I think this is an amazing resource for patients and caregivers who want to learn more about heart surgery.

In fact, I reference this site in my book and on my site. The scribes on have experiences that are unique and special to hear and learn from. For example, I learned a lot about valve selection on this thread. Very interesting. (I bet a number of guests and regulars have enjoyed the information as well.)

So you know, my curiosity about this thread is based on a simple belief that valve manufacturers are going to enhance educational initiatives to create patient demand given the competitive nature of the industry.

That said, I believe Edwards, SJM and OnX may model certain, going-forward initiatives similar to the "Intel-inside" program of the 1990s in the computer industry.

With the baby-boomers aging and heart valve surgeries expected to rise, on a global basis, it is almost guaranteed that competition will rise as well. There is also a high possibility for consolidation.

That is why I asked the question. I wanted to pulse mechanical valve recepients as to the influence that triggered their selection process.

Does that explain my curiosity?

Anyways, I hope this helps. If not, let me know...

Otherwise, have a great weekend!


Lynlw said:
Adam, That reminds me, Did you share the results from the survery the members were kind enough to answer here since we all want to learn from each other?

Yes, I believe we did this also. Are the results posted somehwere?
Adam 12-21-05 said:
Hey everybody,

I have a quick question for those of you who have already had a mechanical valve replacement.

As you know, there are a number of different mechanical valve manufacturers and valve types.

My question is, "What factors motivated or influenced you in your decision to select one valve brand over the other?"

Any thoughts or opinions you could offer would be helpful...



Would love to share my thoughts and opinions as soon as you send me $24.95.



This is absolutely not a reply to any specific post.

But I have been following this thread a bit and cringing at the tone of some of the posts even though I think I can understand the feelings behind them. But, what posts we offer here are public and it's a choice we all make, whether we want to offer a post or not; right?

I answered Adam's questionaire but I told him that I wanted to remain anonymous. He agreed to that conditon.

And in the end, we want our posts to be helpful to others who will be or are facing what we've experienced; correct? And whether our experiences help people directly or indirectly, isn't that a good thing in the end?
I really don't understand all the "flap" over someone using some of the info on this site in a book that may help minimize the fears of a new or recent valve surgery patient. I spent decades finding info wherever I could find it and pre-internet, that was not always easy. I have been fortunate in that I have to see cardios very infrequently, and when I see them, they do not have, or will not take, time to address my questions or concerns. I stumbled on by accident in Feb., 2007. My generation got most of its information out of books, not "chat rooms" and I applaude anyone who wants to add to that knowledge. If he can "make a buck", good for him. God knows the drs., hospitals and drug companies are making BIG bucks on the backs of heart surgery patients. If he is misquoting or misrepresenting info he has collected then I agree he should be hung upside down. I have not seen his book, but if it is adding to patient or care giver knowledge I endorse his efforts.
Would someone go to the Valvereplacement.Com HOME page..Where it shows..Forums, Chat, Stories and Articles..down below..Mine is very faint blue..Cannot read it..(Even with a new computer):( I think it is called a disclaimer?).....I made out the start.........All information, advice and views..expressed on this site..............ect, ect, ect..and bring it up and post?Post it here...I would like to read the entire paragraph..but with my old eyes, ect..just cannot read it?::mad: yes, I have expensive reading glasses..but for some reason..mine (disclaimer) is very faded?.sorry, don't know if I am using the right word..for whatever it says?If no one can do it..I will post it in Support..on the forum...Bonnie
Here you go, Bonnie,

All information, advice and views expressed on this site, including but not limited to medical advice and product suitability, are the opinion of the author and should not be interpreted or construed as legitimate medical advice. In all cases, information contained on this board should be checked and confirmed by competent, suitably qualified members of the medical profession. As such, and/or its members are in no way responsible for the accuracy of the information, advice and views contained on this board.

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