You have all been a source of information, Insight and inspiration to me. I so appreciated learning about your experiences and the way in which you have come out of this most harrowing of surgery, the repair of your heart. In another week, I will be moving to downtown Chicago for a while. I thought I had a pretty good handle on it- but this was only a facade. Deep inside, I am churning.
I know I have one of the best surgeons, the most support and in all, expecting nothing but positive outcome. But saying, thinking and believing this is only helpful some of the time. The rest of the time, I am full of anxiety and have drastically low moments.
I find relief in several ways. I am taking Lexapro, I try to spend time outdoors (which I love) and listen to as much music as I can (music has always worked for me). I have one more week at work (things are not going well there and adds unnecessary anxiety). I have tried to put this aside as I know there is nothing more I can do and whatever happens will happen while I am gone. It is time to think of me and my health. To top it all off, I got a sinus infection last week and am on anti-boitics until Monday. As you know, my wife has been an endless source of strength, but she is showing signs of cracking. Anything you could say or share would be most appreciated as you all have been very good to me.
Thanks so much for your continued support.
Thanks so much for your continued support.