I was in front of the TV yesterday since 5:30am, my time, and I almost shut off the TV, but having had lived in Virginia for more than 25 years, I had to watch them and I was very impressed!!
Actually, if you read Mrs. Obama's lips around the 1:30 mark in the video, she seems to be saying "That's amazing." and the President nods. I'm not sure that's what she said, but having marched in a few parades myself, I will say that their lines are amazingly straight. The song, Oh Shenandoah, is very appropriate. Not only does it have meaning for Virginia, it was a favorite of escaped slaves. Here's the wikipedia link to its history and signficance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh_Shenandoah
I really have been restraining myself, but I think this thread is going to start a flame war.
And each of them flubbed the oath of office so they had to have a "do over" today just in case.I am a little late with this, but I appreciated seeing Justice Roberts administer the oath of office. If you think about it, there is an important message there. Despite the small mistakes, these are two brilliant minds. Each of them was chosen as editor of the Harvard Law Review. Each of them turned there backs on substantial sums of money in order to devote their lives to public service.
I thought the dresses Michelle Obama wore yesterday were lovely and looked great on her.
To my good friends Gina & Karlynn--I will try to be excited enough for my good friends! I really appreciate all the sentiments expressed so far. It has never been more important that our leaders get it right.
And I hope everyone noticed (and appreciates) the remarkable absence of references to "I" will do this or "I" will do that. I hope we can pay more attention than ever to coming together to address our problems-national and global.
I did, too. And when I heard the costs of them, I was even more impressed. In this time of economic depression, it's very fitting that she set the stage for the rest of us. She appears to be confident with whatever she wears.
Besides that, she made two designers very famous.
it is nice they thought about the economy for the dress, but 150 million for the day?
it is nice they thought about the economy for the dress, but 150 million for the day?
I think what's even more appalling is a large portion of that cost was a necessary expenditure for the president and the new administration's security. It's sad.
There's skepticism about the accuracy of that figure.http://mediamatters.org/columns/200901170003