Improved cleveage??

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Mine is off center too: Must be a breast thing since guys don't have them like we do. I feel like my whole sternum is crooked. I think it might be the fracture he was talking about. Still hurts to wear a bra.
I haven't seen that much cleavage at the reunion since reading National Geographic in 6th grade3. Gina, you were the only shy female there.

Scars, Scars, Everywhere a Scar

Scars, Scars, Everywhere a Scar


I must have been looking at Mara's scar when you showed yours. She definitely wins the "most unique" scar award (but I'm not saying how ;)

See what you started, Melissa. Never start a thread with the word cleavage in it.

Paul, You were looking!?

How is mine unique? Inquiring minds want to know.


I should have went to the reunion so I could see too. I was the only woman in Cardio Rehab and they all showed me theirs but I was good and kept mine to myself. I only flash when I have too much too drink. Scars are ugly but it is worth it to feel better. I was going to draw a head on the top of mine and some feet on the bottom then it would be a stick person. So glad it is Friday and have the weekend to rest.


This is so funny. Last week I was in Walmart and there was a young girl about 17 who had a scar. I told her I had 4 heart surgeries and she told me she just had hers about 6 months. I told her that I found the cleavage effect a plus. She laughed and said she needed it.
Marcia, now you know WHY the ladies "flashed". Amazing what a little Irish Whiskey can do. I would tell you the name of it but I'll get censored.

Mara and Janie, I couldn't tell on my friend Mara. She probably doesn't even remember showing me her scar. What if David reads this and I tell everyone about the "Isthmus of Panama"? Oooooops, forget I wrote that.

irish whiskey

irish whiskey

Kesslers or Amaretto do it to me everytime. Haven't had either since the surgery. Guess I am afraid to mess up my INR. We've got a wedding coming up and I think I will indulge. I think I might be comparing scars with some friends who have had surgery this year too. Gotta find something kind of low cut to show off the new cleavage. ha ha
And I brought Kesslers to Chicago.....
My INR before the reunion (morning of) was 4.0, after the reunion (and Kesslers and Bushnells) was 3.3.


I was on Coumdadin for 7 years prior to the surgery and they then took me off for 2 years prior to the surgery since they couldn't get it regulated and I was bruising so bad. I am now on a monthly basis for protimes. I drank Kesslers and coke or Amaretto and coke. Good stuff. We live only 100 miles from Chicago but got into this site too late to get all the details of the reunion. Maybe down the road I can attend.

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