Another consideration that I am having is that in 10 years the valve replacement probably won't require OHS. With the links to new procedures already I would think that in 10 years it would be common place. Any help is appreciated!!
This is part of the initial post that troubles me. I certainly do not criticize ccummins for making it because he/she is new to all of this, probably a little scared, and relying on what he/she has read or has been told

. Decisions on this kind of surgery are best made by "facts as they are known, not as we, or our docs, wish them to be". OHS has been around for over 50 years, and while it has come a long way, it remains a serious surgery. My personal, and biased, opinion is "the fewer, the better"
Be careful about what docs sometimes say. They may, or may not, truly believe their own words. When I had my surgery, they "assured" me that the valve had a fifty year life........and now they are amazed (even the surgeon who put it in) that I still have it

. My cardio calls me "a medical miracle":
Do your homework and make your valve decision based on what you feel is best for you, not only now, but also in the future. Either choice will add both "quantity and quality" to your life.....and nobody can know the future

Man, am I glad there was only one valve around when I had my surgery. Making the decision to have the operation is bad enough, not to mention also having to choose which valve. However, you can take comfort in knowing that millions (I think

) have gone thru this and came out the other side...bright eyed and bushy tailed

. comments are not a retort of Ctyguys post. I meant the comments docs sometimes make "predicting the future".