I'm pulling a Granbonny

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Since that girl loves to start celebrations early and she's only 1 post away from the big 5000, I think it's time to post her prizes. I loves ya!



What a tribute, Ross! That is a good one!
Bon, keeping posting them! This place wouldn't be the same without you!
Love ya!

Grat award Ross. You are certainly correct - Bonnie does not cause negative reactions from anyone. We all love you Bonnie.
Way To Go Granbonny!!!!

Way To Go Granbonny!!!!

Have Keyboard......will post like crazy!!!:p :D Congratulations on your 5000 posts!! Harrybaby:D :D :D
:D Congrats Bonny!! You are always a breath of fresh air!

But Ross must not love you as much as the rest of us - no threat of a gloved hand!!!:D
I have to get in on this too! Congratulations to my birthday twin, 5000 posts, amazing! ! Keep them coming.:) :) :)
Please Un-stick me..:D I just spent an hour on Sunday Night chat..trying to tell a new member to post on VR.Com. in Pre-Op thread....He is in a bad way... I was trying to tell him Please post in VR.Com..Only 4 of us members in chat....We think he may do it?...but, maybe Not...Maybe because he is shy?..I guess..why..I can never leave VR.Com...............Just want to be here for those people...that can come on chat..but not post?....Maybe because so many think..we will not answer them?..........I have tried my best for 5,000 posts............Thank you all who have done the same......Members who post everyday.....Many more than me..:) Bonnie
Congrats To Bonnie!

Congrats To Bonnie!

Ross said:
She done charmed em all with canned possum. :D
I never knew that's what was in the cans! Thanks Ross! I went from tears reading some other posts, to LOL at this one! Brian:D

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