I'm home from my avr

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Aug 17, 2012
Kennewick, Washington
Last Thursday, I went in for my bicuspid avr. I had severe regurgitation and was very symptomatic.
Waking up in ICU with the breathing tube in my throat sucked balls. Very Uncomfortable, and started to panic a little. Started walking the next day, and the next I walked from ICU to the cardiac ward. Everything was going great till I went into vtac. My hr went from 65 to 185 for 5 hours. My nurse from the night before was floor manager and he was part of the rat pack. Rapid assessment team. I'm not big on guy nurses, but I was so glad Matt was there. Very smooth, knowledgeable and calming. Because my wife was very freaked out and we both needed thd assurance that they had this condition In hand.

This subsided after a bit, and after 3 afibs, I am home.

I can hear my on-x clicking away, but it could be quieter. Food hasn't tasted good and I learned strawberries and blueberry pancakes won't settle an upset stomach.

The catheter and chest tubes came out ineventfully, the pacer wires were another story but it wasn't terrible.the first day I coughed up some flem and about passed out from the pain. Even using my pillow to keep chest tight helped very little. Getting into bed was a lot harder/ painful than getting out.

My wife was so awesome. She barely left my side, helping my pillow fluffing, finding and calling the nurses in, and even toilet duties weren't above her. I am so thankful I had her there. Some people do this surgery virtually alone and my heart goes out to them.

I'm so glad I chose the mechanical route, because this isn't something I'd look forward to in 8-15 years.
My surgeon was awesome as well, and haven't second guessed that decision either.
The next few weeks will test my patience as I learn how to depend on others for some of my daily stuff.
Its amazing what modern medicine is capable of. It really is
The vtac sounds scary... the pacing wires wern't used to slow it down? i'm going in for my avr next friday. I'm so glad you're doing good now and i'm hoping to get mine behind me as well! I'm 44 and in the Portland area so we are pretty close in 3 areas :)
Isn't it great to be home. All the best in your recovery and remember to take things one day at a time!
oh did you have your surgery in Spokan or in the tri city area?

kadlec in Richland. Dr Cordero was my surgeon(there are 2) Him and and a guy named Chaugle. Chaugle checked on me over the weekend because he was on call. I'm sure they are both good surgeons, but I understand Cordero better and he has an awesome bedside manner.

I had entertained going to spokane as they have one surgeon that does nothing but mechanical valves and another does tissue valves. They have probably seen every complication there is.
But I live in the tri cities and all followup means a 2 hr drive.

There level of care at Kadlec was stellar, except for the one bitch nurse I had. The rest were so awesome. I'll be writing a letter to the hospital and giving attaboys and girls to those individuals that made my stay there less traumatic and bearable
The vtac sounds scary... the pacing wires wern't used to slow it down? i'm going in for my avr next friday. I'm so glad you're doing good now and i'm hoping to get mine behind me as well! I'm 44 and in the Portland area so we are pretty close in 3 areas :)

The vtac was scary. I had family there, but I felt horrible. THey said green just isnt my color. When my hr finally went down it almost crashed to the 40's and I got sick.

I had just come home from working 3.5 months in Hillsboro at the Intel site when all my symptoms were manifesting and we started on the path to avr.

I'm still retaining about 20 lbs of water weight, but am told to track my weight every day and keep my salt intake down.
Yep i used to live about 2 miles from thr new Intel site. Can't say how many times i've shopped at the winco across the street or ate at the many places around there.. and wow! i wouldn't have guessed they do heart surgeries anywhere but major cities! Don't they give you a diuretic to get rid of the water? Hang in there :)
Yep i used to live about 2 miles from thr new Intel site. Can't say how many times i've shopped at the winco across the street or ate at the many places around there.. and wow! i wouldn't have guessed they do heart surgeries anywhere but major cities! Don't they give you a diuretic to get rid of the water? Hang in there :)

ive been on lasix and my weight has been coming down slowly. my kidneys were about half shut sown prior to surgery, the doctors were thinking maybe my reduced heart function had something to do with it. It will be watched closely for several months and hopefully they will come around.
Wow, your first few days post op sound about as crappy as mine were ;) My legs had gotten bloated with retained water, so they
gave me Lasix, but that crashed my Potassium levels and in the middle of the night I awoke with SVT and a HR of 170 !!
A very lovely night nurse had me whisked back to step down unit and I got Sotalol to slow down the HR. Then I got the gross dose
of Potassium. Kidneys were very pissed off with me but slowly co-operated.

Late one night I was surprised by 2 male nurses coming in to check my stats, they were actually superb.
One of them did my update and the other massaged my horribly infused arm that a woman nurse neglected.
I had a chance to bug my husband about me having male visitors in the night. LOL

Anyway, hang in there. Get past the crappy days because better days always come along.
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