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so i underwent avr friday morning and as of monday morning, i was officially discarged from columbia-prsybterian and told to go home and get better.

waking up with the itibation tube sucked bigtime, and so did my pain med michine failing to work at all my first night in. aside from a little fever and a couple of fits of nauseia (i think it was a reaction to the perkacet sp?), the hospital wasnt too bad. the nurses seemed to never let me me sleep, but they gave more than enough attention (well, i do deserve it: being 22 and good looking, i mean i understand!!). walking around with no issues right now. i decided to ditch pain meds entirely (the pain isnt THAT bad!!) and hope that i regain my appetite. chest pain is not too bad most times. the best tube isnt too bad either, nor was the catheter and all the myriad leads and wires pumping in and out of your body.

so everyone here: thank you!!
to everyone waiting for avr: its nothing to fear!!
to everyone else: see you on the road!

big thanks to thanks dr. craig smith (knife) and dr. allan schwartz (cardio)
Welcome home! I just got done telling Oz that your only job right now is to walk, sleep, eat and breath. No superman stuff. If you push your body too much, it will take you down. So take these first few weeks home slow.
WOW - fast discharge. Congrats on being home and doing so well. I agree about the respirator. I hated that more than the pain or anything else stuck in somewhere.;) :D ;)
Don't try to break any records - being 22 and gorgeous is accomplishment enough. Get the rest you need and do your walking. The rest will take care of itself.


Way to go! I wonder if that's a release record? I stopped my pain meds when they sent me home too. Hope your recovery goes as well as mine did! Welcome to this side of the mountain! Brian
Gosh, I thought I was reading a typo about your release time. That has to be a record! Glad you're home. Do take care of yourself and try not to overdo. LINDA
way to go! congrats on a successful surgery. Now enjoy kicking back and heal, heal, heal.
Jason, glad your back. Be sure they check you INR before they did mine. They waited a full 10 days. Good Luck!! Deana
Thanks for posting

Thanks for posting

So glad to hear you are on this side of the mountain! As others have said, enjoy taking it easy for a little while, slow and steady recuperation with no setbacks wins the race.

Take care,
yeah that HAS to be some kind of release record. i agree with deana - make sure someone's following your INR. i will say this, my hosp. was very good about that. they've had someone following my INR - blood tests twice a week AND all results are sent not only to the ordering doc but also to my PCP, whose nursing staff also gives me a call if my INR is even a little out of whack. Nice to have that backup!

Also - I'm glad you were able to go without pain meds but for most people it's totally normal to need them for a while. I have been on Tylenol only since getting home but everyone's mileage varies, there. I was in the hospital longer too, 10 days. Can't wait to get THAT bill.

and BTW - I bet the "22 and good looking" is just the leftover anaesthesia talking ;)

musician2k said:
and BTW - I bet the "22 and good looking" is just the leftover anaesthesia talking ;)


true, not that it wore off i realized i look like a savage since since i havent shaved in a week. btw, showering sucks. thats all for now.
Yep. Well after I was in the hospital for 8 days with no shower, when they finally let me it was pretty much heavenly except I was almost too weak to really do much good! Same thing with shaving. Just pick & choose what you have the strength for & eventually you'll be back to your normal routine.

Jas0n said:
true, not that it wore off i realized i look like a savage since since i havent shaved in a week. btw, showering sucks. thats all for now.
Well done Jas0n and welcome home!...
food will taste pretty ordinary for a while...its one weird side-effect for sure!
congrats o the speedy discharge!...I spent 10/11 days like M2K., at least they let me shower...;) ...
I wouldnt worry too much about shaving at 22 and good looking I'm sure your visitors and family will excuse you!

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