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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2002
S.E. Mi
We have been so overwhelmed with trying to get our health care for next year sorted out, that I just havn't had much time for anything else.
I hope this finds our members doing well.
As some of you know we are some of the GM salaried retirees dumped out in the cold. It has been a nightmare to say the least.
Glad to see you back and hope you got the insurance mess worked out.
I can only imagine. I keep thinking of my dad, who worked at Republic Steel aka LTV Steel and how they screwed them but good. Probably a good thing that my dad passed away before it all went down. Lyns dad worked for Copperweld Steel and they did the same to them. Again, good thing he passed away before it happened. Both of them would have devastated.

I overheard some clown giving his son the 3rd degree about working. He told this kid that he's worthless without a $20 an hour job. I wanted to jump in the guys face and explain to him that he should be happy if his kid just had a job period. *******.

It's so bad in Ohio now that Governor Strickland is going to have to ask the Federal government to bail out or borrow money for Ohio Unemployment. I think they said they're down to $325 million and they pay out about $100 million a month. http://www.wcpo.com/content/financi...ntent_id=c52665f0-864f-4235-b609-e3e351224702

Lyn came home last night and told me that their company isn't even giving them any Turkeys or shopping cards this year. I looked at her and told her that if it's that bad now, her job is in jeopardy. I hoping and praying nothing happens to it or we are done. Were barely clinging to life as it is. What really pissed me off though, it that they can't give their employees anything, but they sure found money to sponsor the Cleveland Indians baseball team.......
I know what your talking about Rich. I had dinner w/my stepdad last night and he is a retiree from GM. He said he just got his new hospitalization yesterday. (for the beginning of the year) He is getting SUMMA. He is 80! No one at his age or any age should have to worry like he is. Sorry for everyone in this boat. Bless you all!
Thanks for the good wishes from all of you.
We will survive, I guess if I survived AVR then we can get thru this mess.
I guess you undrstand some of this due to your stepdad's position.
We know how bad things are in Ohio. My wife and I are natives of Ohio.
I started work for GM at the old Cleveland Tank Plant many years ago. The plant was finally closed down inthe early seventies and we were asked to transfer to the Detroit area.
Again we understand things down there are not good, but trust me things up here are far,far worse. I hear our unemployment is also totally broke in this state.
I am a native of Cleveland and my wife was born and raised in North Canton(Greentown I think). We still have family in both Cleveland and Canton and wonder about their future as well.
Who knows where this is all going.
We have been talking to our nephew and his wife in Cleveland. They both recently retired from the Cleveland Clinic, and have given us a lot of insight to the problems in Ohio.
But Ross I agree they can find millions to pay our sports teams. The Tigers were the second highest paid team in baseball this year, and they absolutely stunk!

So sorry to hear about your situation. A lot of the bigger companies are using this as an excuse to try to bail on their obligations. Several have recently gone to the federal government (including Ford) and said, "Well, you either have to let us out of our pension obligations, or we'll just have to lay people off."

Of course, there's no point to it, because they'll lay the people off later anyway.

Pensions and insurance are things that are promised by companies to pay for loyalty, to entice their employees not to bring their skills to the competition. What they've promised for 20, 30 or more years, they should be legally obliged to pay.

Nor should they be allowed to simply drop off people on the curb. Ford and GM chose to desert most of their US workers and build cars in Mexico. Now they've dropped a large segment of their remaining American employees. I'm not sure how they even qualify as being considered "American" companies anymore.

Ford and GM said they couldn't make a profit using the American worker. Honda and Toyota make their cars in the US, using American workers. And Honda is still profitable, and Toyota now leads the pack. Looks like GM and Ford were full of beans.

I'd hate to see them bailed out now that they've already "dumped" good people like Rich without a second thought. The bailout is all American taxes, and should be earmarked to save only American jobs.

Many of us are in similar boats, or can see where we may be soon. This is one time where there's little comfort in numbers.

I know how critical it is to keep our insurance, as we're not coverable for heart issues if there's a break. I hope you'll be able to maintain it, and maybe the new insurance regs that require coverage despite preexisting conditions will be passed next year.

Be well,
Hang in there Rich! Like you said, if you survived OHS you will survive this too! And as long as you have your health, you can conquer anything else that's thrown your way! :)

Keep the faith!
Thanks Norma, we are going to get thru this mess.
Bob, you hit it on the head. Yes if they go under it will really hurt us, but this bailout will only serve to keep the doors open a little longer.Until if and when the economy picks up, few people are going to buy cars.
We have been so overwhelmed with trying to get our health care for next year sorted out, that I just havn't had much time for anything else.
I hope this finds our members doing well.
As some of you know we are some of the GM salaried retirees dumped out in the cold. It has been a nightmare to say the least.

I just found this out, Rich. I am so sorry for this. Amazing in this great country that these things are happening while the fat cats live it up and we, the people, are holding them up! I truly hope you find some light at the end of the tunnel and that it isn't turned off. Blessings to you and your wife. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Billy said to say hey to you and wish you well. And that he is happy and well.
Rich....I surely feel for you. Im in the banking industry and Im holding my breath as well. I'm waiting to see what the government ultimately does to help the auto industry but I hope its not just a check and let them do as they see fit with it. I don't see that ending well at all.

I thought a good approach (I actually emailed this to my Congressman) is to setup a fund that the Big 3 can tap to give to consumers in the form of rebates. If you can go buy a new car and the government is going to kick in 3 or 4 grand maybe that will spur more to buy. That helps the consumer AND it helps the manufacturer. It would give an unfair advantage to the Big 3 so I thought you expand it to all companies that manufacture cars in the US and who employ American workers. Another thought is to have the government allow folks to write off the interest on a new car loan on their taxes the same way you write off home interest.

I have a friend who works for Honda here in Ohio and from what I can tell the biggest difference between Honda and Toyota and the Big 3 is that Honda and Toyota aren't tied to a union. Their wage scale is something along the lines of 30% less. I don't know all the ins and outs of it all but I've always been torn about supporting unions. The intention to protect the workers and ensure a fair wage I understand. But locking in mandatory wage increases year over year without some type of hook to how profitable the company is just seems flawed. For those that are adamant union supports I apologize in advance, just my opinion.

So sorry to hear it. When bad things happen to good people. Our heart goes out to you and the employes of GM.

Have owned a GM SUV for the last 12 years. One sort or another. Never had a major issue. It's shocking that such a large company could be in such hot water. Sign of the times.:eek:

Please keep us posted Rich. Truly hope things work out in your favor.
I'd hate to see them bailed out now that they've already "dumped" good people like Rich without a second thought.

Along with dumping people like Rich, I'd hate to see 'em bailed out when they've been lying to people about what they are selling, Ch#$r%*et in particular, since the mid-1980s. That 1980s Nova? Toyota Corolla. The 2000-current "impala"? Lumina sedan. The 1995-2007 "monte carlo"? Lumina coupe. And, actually, the Lumina replaced the Celebrity. Ughola.

Rich ... sure hope things look brighter for you soon....

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