God, where do I start??
God, where do I start??
Well, you guys have managed to turn me into a babbling idiot today. I've been crying like a baby just reading your posts. I am always so humbled by your compassionate responses to my periodic meltdowns. Some of you have been my staunchest allies since I was first initiated into this elite club, and some of you are new to Katie's fanclub.

Regardless, you always manage to give me a renewed sense of hope and some inspiration, too.
I checked in earlier today, but didn't want to tie up the phone line (we're on a dialup here). See, I knew you guys would come up with something I was obviously overlooking. We left two messages with Dr. Mee's Girl Friday, Debbie, and e-mailed him, too, to see if he thinks a current TEE would help him at all in giving us a more definitive opinion about that valve. Part of my frustration lies in the fact that it is virtually impossible to talk to Mee himself. He's in a very protected cocoon. Everything, it seems, goes through Debbie or one of the cardiologists on staff. I swear it would be easier to talk to the President himself. I am used to having a free reign so to speak with some of the big name pediatric surgeons. When we sought out opinions before Katie's second surgery, Dr. Spray (CHOP) emailed me back personally, Dr. Jonas (Boston Children's at the time) emailed me back personally, Dr. Bove emailed me back personally, and Dr. Fraser (TX Children's) picked up the phone and personally called me. So, this not being able to get through to the surgeon himself is rather new to me and very disturbing. I am just going to be a squeaky wheel until I get some answers, I guess.
At least I have a course of action now, which keeps me from feeling so totally helpless. We will bombard Debbie with e-mails and phone calls until we get an answer. If Dr. Mee thinks that a new TEE will help, then we will go schedule one and send it. If he doesn't truly think it will help, welllllllllllllll...... I guess we will tackle that bridge when we get to it. We are not totally opposed to going to Cleveland and doing the TEE there and talking to Mee in person if that is going to help (which is what most of the parents who have gotten second opinions from him have resorted to doing - at least the ones I have conversed with)...............but that is a royal pain in the ass and a major expense if it is not going to help him form an opinion. If it is a well, I can't really make that call until I get her on the table type of thing, then I dunno............still looking for that guidance from above.............
Fam, we would love to wait, but with Katie's anatomy, her entire circulation is dependent on good ventricular function. I hope I am not insulting your intelligence, but with the fontan circulation, the blood is pumped to the body, circulates throughout the body, drains to the lungs and then back to the heart, where it is once again pumped out. Since the ventricles already have to work extra hard to circulate that blood throughout the body to the lungs to the heart in one fell swoop, you definitely don't want to jeopardize ventricular function. And the longer we wait to do the fontan, the more likely Katie will develop PAVMs (collaterals in her lungs) that will impair her lung capacity and function. There is an enzyme in the liver that prevents these collaterals from forming and with Katie's current circulation, the blood from her liver is going into her heart instead of the lungs where this enzyme is critical. So it is best that we get this done sooner as opposed to later..........
And, Emma, you know Bethy is constantly on my mind these days.......sigh!
I can't thank you guys enough. I really needed y'all today and you came through for me. Wish I had time to address you all individually as you mean that much to me, but my butt is dragging..........hey, I may actually get some sleep tonight. That would be a rare treat.
Just for a little comic relief as I so desperately need some..........
We had Katie down at the beach this afternoon. She was flying her Wiggles kite, but has not quite mastered the art yet. It would go soaring into the air, but every so often it would divebomb into the sand, so Don would have to get it going up in the air for her again. This went on for awhile, but then the kite divebombed behind a huge 6 foot mound of seaweed. Katie was tugging away at the string and getting very frustrated, but to no avail, so Don went to disentangle the kite from the seaweed. Katie kept incessantly yanking on the kite, which was making it very difficult for Don to free up............
Sooooooooo, I yelled to Katie, "Katie, Wait! Daddy has to get it up again!
DADDY HAS TO GET IT UP AGAIN!" Wow! Did I turn about three shades of red when I turned around and realized that the entire beach population was staring at us wanting to know exactly what
it was that Daddy was trying to get up again.................sheesh! Can we say
My love and thanks to you all. Janet P.s. Yes, Cort, I would love another get together with you, Niki, and Marsha...................sigh! But first things first................bigger sigh!