If we all got along, we'd have less entertainment

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Even though people are disillusioned by negative ads, it makes sense for politicians to employ them. Why? In most cases, negative things are remembered more than positive....

I wonder if this is because, in some cases, we are embarrassed by or don't believe we deserve the positive...? These 2 comments about me, though very cool, were just WEIRD for me to read...like I was stepping into someone else's life.... They came out of the blue....

T-REX, GMI 2008:
This award goes to the GMI member that has consistently over the years given us posts that lift the spirit and help us see beauty in the tiniest, and often most seemingly insignificant things.


66STANG, C&G 2008:
"Cheers to knightfan, for having and keeping a garage full of old cars I'd love to own. He hasn't been posting here as much, but I enjoy it when he posts."

IMHO, it's a sad commentary on society that the negative is remembered more than the positive. This erodes the "why can't we all just get along" mantra/question that always pops up whenever "flame wars" develop. I'm a proponent of "getting along" ... at least in terms of respecting each other, whether our opinions agree or not. After all, if we agreed on everything, life would be boring. Besides, in some ways, conflict provides humor. Sometimes, you look back at some of the comments made, wondering just what the heck the person was thinking when they wrote ... and posted ... them. I think we are ALL guilty of that at times. These 3 are SELECT (I remember MANY more) not-so-flattering comments posted about me ... that now make me laugh...!

FRIEND, in an Email to me, Father's Day 2009:
"Happy Father's Day. Oh, wait. You're not a father; you ONLY have a nephew. You don't know how good it feels to be creating your offspring, nor do you know how awesome it is to actually be a Dad."

I know this friend was trying to get under my skin. Maybe he did for a bit, but he writes the truth, which is more than I can say for a few companies, including Ch#$r%*et and the Tribune Co, current Cubs' owners.... Besides, I love "nephew time" ... can hardly believe he is 8 MONTHS OLD ALREADY!!!

GBO, in reply to 84MM's query about what I was thinking:
"He's thinking maybe one of us will give him a new 10" diamater black dildo to ram himself ... as a welcome back gift."

Wow, he wants to give me something ... and then tell me how to use it!

"Cort is an idiot. Nobody wants to see his comments.... Monte Carlos are one of the cheapest pieces of crap ever come up with by Chevy, which is synonymous for piece of crap."
"What a dumb a$$."

He missed hurting me by a LONG shot. He obviously has NO clue about my opinion about Ch#$r%*et since, oh, the mid to late 1980s, starting with the Toyota Nova/Chevy Corolla.... And, yep, I am a dumb a$$; however, MB's impersonation of Red Foreman ("That '70s Show") leaves a LOT to be desired....

NOW ... that all written ... what have people written/said about you that ... now makes you laugh ...OR... blew you away for the better?

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...Chitown #2 = 07/25/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Why are we so blind to see that the ones we hurt are you & me" ... Coolio ... 'Gangsta's Paradise (Dangerous Minds)'
IMHO, the only reason people tear down, attack or insult is to build themselves up ... try to make themselves feel superior when the actually feel less than ... I too am guilty of shooting off my mouth or typing a reply before thinking or examining my motives ... all part of being human....
IMHO, the only reason people tear down, attack or insult is to build themselves up ... try to make themselves feel superior when the actually feel less than ... I too am guilty of shooting off my mouth or typing a reply before thinking or examining my motives ... all part of being human....

I agree with Cooker's thought.
I have a sister who tries to sit very high on her pedestal and will attack and insult a family member every chance she gets - even if its lies. Sorry, but I don't put up with that any longer....I call a spade a spade. And if my sister or anybody else doesn't like it - its their loss not mine.
Isn't it the truth about the negative sticking in our minds more than the positive? So true about political ads too -- does anyone ever get elected without use of "attack ads" (unfortunately)?

Astute post as usual by you, Cort (except when you are touting the Cubs, of course). :p
IMHO, the only reason people tear down, attack or insult is to build themselves up ... try to make themselves feel superior when the actually feel less than ... I too am guilty of shooting off my mouth or typing a reply before thinking or examining my motives ... all part of being human....

What's my excuse? I'm not Human. :(
After all, if we agreed on everything, life would be boring. Besides, in some ways, conflict provides humor. )'
I have always wondered why some(like my husband) can't see the difference
between a debate/disagreement and an actual angry argument, OR rather
preventing a philosophical disagreement from degenerating into an emotional
and personal one.
And you are right,the healthy ending to an unresolved debate should be
humor and levity.
And you are right,the healthy ending to an unresolved debate should be humor and levity.

....as long as it does not sound/feel "forced", if that makes any sense. I've witnessed some situations were the ending humor/levity just REAKS with irony and sarcasm ... and it is almost worse than the debate itself....


Isn't it the truth about the negative sticking in our minds more than the positive?

Yep...sadly enough :(.

Superbob said:
Astute post as usual by you, Cort (except when you are touting the Cubs, of course). :p

LOL!!!!! Thank you, bud, and ... this time ... I'll let that comment slide..... ;).


It IS so frustrating that the negative seems to outweigh the positive. Case in point, I was sharply reminded Saturday, July 25 that...

...silence roars volumes.


...actions speak louder than words.

Yet, I remember those more than 2 things posted in that timeframe about me....

"I love what you add to this forum, it always lightens the mood!"

[HA! I wish I felt that way all the time....]


"You possess a drive, a spirit, a willingness, and an unflappable ability to remain cheery in the face of some dire circumstances."

[Ironically, much of the time, I don't feel that way at all ... just the opposite in fact..... And, yet, I try ... and maybe that's what counts!?]

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 = Sept 5-16, '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"This is where you don't say what you want so bad to say" ... Billy Ray Cyrus & Miley Cyrus ... 'Don't Go'
You know what your problem is buddy, your not around enough. :D

Yeah, I know...sorry :(.

*grins devilishly*

Is is wrong of me to have thought the last part of that sentence was going to be something like: "...you need to get laid".


Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 = Sept 5-16, '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Mistakes become regrets" ... Carolina Liar ... 'Show Me What I'm Looking For'
Yeah, I know...sorry :(.

*grins devilishly*

Is is wrong of me to have thought the last part of that sentence was going to be something like: "...you need to get laid".


Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 = Sept 5-16, '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Mistakes become regrets" ... Carolina Liar ... 'Show Me What I'm Looking For'
:D not at all, I do too! Damn Atenolol.
:D not at all, I do too! Damn Atenolol.


I wish I could blame that issue on Atenolol.....


Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 = Sept 5-16, '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Shouldn't have to give a reason why" ... Chris Daughtry ... 'No Surprise'
Cort, you are ace high in my book. There will always be people who are ignorant enough to want to hurt and degrade others. I don't know why they take pleasure in causing pain. Like you, I want peace and try to stay out of trouble and arguments. People have arguments about the dumbest/smallest things just to be 'right'. That's just plain wrong.