I wonder what happened?

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So sorry to read this, Mary. I was hoping it was a singular episode of no importance, but I'm glad you went into get it checked out and you have all my prayers and best wishes for an easy explanation and solution to this. We're all doing a prayer dance for you!
Hmmm...daily near-fainting since coming back from the picturesque setting alongside the river? Time to go back!;)

I'm keeping you in my thoughts, Mary.
Thought maybe I could attribute it to worry over the near-collapse of the St. Louis Cardinals, Mary. :p But now our Redbirds are revived and doing just fine.

That's what I'm hoping, praying for you, too, Mary -- a complete turnaround. Take it easy and keep us posted on your echo. I was kinda hoping it would be blood sugar issues -- I have those and they're not necessarily hard to deal with, esp. for a person as committed to fitness as you.

Will continue to send good thoughts/vibes your way.

Mary....I am glad you are going to see the doctor....

Mary....I am glad you are going to see the doctor....

We don't want you collapsing on us now...we must keep you around to continue to brighten our days.....Sending you hugs, keeping you in my prayers. Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
You're not pregnant are you???:p

Seriously, I'm glad you are going to have it checked out. Remember that it's only something if it's been proven by testing, other than that, it's just guessing.

So, wishing you good luck.
The echo was finally read yesterday (there had been a snafu between the hospital's radiology department and the cardio's office), and they've moved my appointment up two weeks to Nov. 3rd.

I've got the preliminary report, and the summary says "no significant change since May" but all the values have increased--pulmonary pressures, aortic valve gradient, peak velocity, size of the inferior vena cava, and mild/moderate insufficiency in both the mitral and tricuspid valves.:confused:

I'll have to see what kind of spin ;) he puts on the numbers when I go in.
Mary - Just checking in on you! I will be thinking and praying for you!

However, you didn't answer Nancy's quesion?!!:D

PLEASE keep us informed on how you are doing.
Hm. Well, if all the values have increased, couldn't that just be how that particular tech is doing his/her numbers or eyeing things from a different level?
There are always such variations in these things.

Anyway, wishing you good luck and some real solid answers!!

Best wishes! Marguerite
"no significant change since May" , that's the good news, Mary! Hoping you get some easy answers from the cardio. Thinking of you,
I saw the cardio this morning, and he believes my diagnosed pericardial constriction is behind symptoms I've been having. The "new" aortic valve is in good shape, but the thickness/scarring of the pericardium isn't allowing the heart to fill or empty completely. As a result I'm experiencing arrythmias and shortness of breath and that in turn is responsible for the near fainting episodes. It's also messing with my pulmonary and tricuspid valves, and I've got some insufficiency going on.
He's started me on a very low dose of Toprol to see if that slows my heartrate and lessens the arrythmias, and said we might need to tweak the diuretics to better control fluid retention.

He also threw out the reminder that the only for sure treatment for the constriction is to remove the pericardium, but he isn't anxious to go there and neither am I!

I asked him about my heartrate and exercising and he said to keep it at no more than 70% of maximum, and if I'm having symptoms, to not exercise until they ease off.

And finally I asked about our son who has had an echo and has a bicuspid valve, but is being followed by our family physician. The cardio said that with BAVD it's not only the valve that one needs to be concerned with, but the entire AORTA (Aryless, I hope you're smiling!) I was so glad to hear him say that!:)
Anyway, he suggested that Paul have a CAT scan done, and then follow him with yearly echos. I am happy to have a plan of action for keeping an eye on his valve.:)
And I go back in three months.:(
Sounds like a reasonable diagnosis. No easy fix, though. I hope meds can work for you.

They started Joe on Metoprolol in the hospital. Thanks to dialysis he can take it now. It used to give him excessive fluid retention, and he had to stop taking it, but now that doesn't matter.

Hope you feel better soon.
Mary I am sure it makes a Mom feel a little more at ease!! Hope the meds work out for you. I will be thinking of you!!!
Thanks for posting, Mary. I hope the new medication and the tweaking of the diuretics works for you. Glad too that your son is going to be followed closely- I'm sure that is a great relief to you.
Hope you are somewhat relieved to know that it may be able to be controlled with medication for the time being. Be good and follow instructions.:D
Best Wishes,
Not our day to hear the best...

Not our day to hear the best...

Mary...I wondered what your outcome was...just got a chance to get back here to look...I hope that the meds will work and that nothing else has to be done. Right now...I think I need a breather from all things related and have time to recoup my thoughts...but please know I am thinking and praying for you also.
Mary, (((hugs))).............

Mary, (((hugs))).............

I can only echo everyone else's sentiments and praying that the new med does the trick. You have our love and prayers. J.

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