I was let go

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Tomorrows a new day!

Tomorrows a new day!

I will go to the unemployment office for starters. Then call some network friends and take it one step at a time. I have never been to the unemployment office, I have no idea what to do. I am a little embarassed for being let go and to be honest I was a little over my head. It was a good experience and I learned a lot. I was a door shop manager for a lumber company. I was reponsible for all the books, ordering, vendor relations, payroll, you name it. It was my first job in that position and I managed to keep it for a little over a year. I have no idea what to do. I have an extensive background in construction but I am a little hesitant to approach that because of coumadin. I would say a lot of prayer and a little persistance will go a long way. :cool:
Seth in doesn't make sense now, but God has better plans for you. Give it a while and you'll see just how brain washed you were from this job. I'm not saying it was bad, only that you were over worked and became the company man so to speak. No one wants to be where you are right now, but your still far from alone. As with all things, it will work out in time. Meanwhile, take a small breath, enjoy life around you, then try to find something less strenous on you and your loved ones.

The company I worked for filed for bankruptcy during my surgery. They didn't bother telling me that they were changing the name of the business or integrating with another, so I was never invited back. No severence or anything, just dumped. Knowing that I may have contributed to it's bankruptcy brings large smiles to my face.

Unemployment is done mostly over the phone and internet now a days, not like when I had to go to the office and sit for hours on end. It has come a long way. One thing to think about, were you wrongfully terminated? Is there a way you can link your termination to your surgery?
No correlation

No correlation

Ross:My boss, himself had a heart condition (from a heart attack) so I know it wasn't for that reason. I honestly think I fell short. I worked very hard . . .he recognized that. . . I just wasn't the right person. What do you think I can do about insurance?
At the current time all you can do is continue under cobra if you can afford to. After that, is where it gets hard unless you find another employer with health benefits.
You might be able to get inexpensive coverage somewhere else for the rest of your family if they are healthy. As for yourself, read the COBRA paperwork. When I had a job change with a 3 month waiting period, the COBRA was set up so that you were automatically on it, but had 90 days before the first premium was due. I kept the enrollment papers, but didn't need any healthcare during that time, so never signed up. If I had needed any care that would have cost me more than the premium, I would have signed up then.
What "Lisa in Katy" and "Oaktree" have posted is very true. Do Not Let Your Coverage Lapse. Go with COBRA for yourself and get a high deductible (less expensive) plan for your family.

Many of us have been where you are at. It may be difficult to accept right now, but "this too shall pass". In my case, I was forced into an occupation that I would never have considered and went on to a very successful 25 year career.:) :) :)
Awww Seth, I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your job. But, please don't feel embarrassed about it...it's not your fault at all. I know where you're coming from. When I was 29 i had Chondrosarcoma (bone cancer) of the spine, ribs and right lung. I got paralyzed during 15 hour microsurgery in Baltimore. I had a really good job in the engineering dept. of a local architectural firm. They never offered me my job back. I also lost my husband because of it (he just couldn't handle being married to someone who was paralyzed). I'm soon to be 57 and still have never found a job. I do a lot of volunteer work (which is very rewarding) and i've taken care of a lot of kids who's parents couldn't afford childcare so i've done it for free. For the first couple years after i got paralyzed i never thought life would ever be good again. But, you know what, things have a way of working out and i think life is really wonderful. I'm having OHS soon and my doctor isn't so sure i'll ever get off the respirator, but i sure hope he's wrong because i love life despite everything that's happened to me.

I sure hope and pray that you find a new job soon with a really caring employer. Until then, enjoy being home with your family.

~~HUGS~~ Dawn-Marie
Sorry to hear about your job loss. I know how you feel as I was let go from my job of 20+ years last October, just over a year after my OHS. I was pretty depressed and anxious about it at first as this was the first time I'd been umemployed in over 30 years. Now I'm feeling positive about exploring new and different opportunities. It was kind of like going through the steps of the grieving process. Try to stay positive. I'm sure it will all work out in the end. Best wishes.

You are still the same guy you always were, still capable and smart. Nothing has changed with you. Maybe things are going on with your company behind the scenes that you don't know about.

Whatever got you to a management position is still there and valuable to another company. Maybe there's a small start up company that needs your expertise.

It may seem like the tunnel has no end, but you will get another position, I just know it.

Negotiate everything that you can to get yourself over this time, keep your insurance with COBRA as others have mentioned.

Did your company offer any severance perks?

Above all, don't lose your contacts. The people at the company where you were working can be valuable to you, even your old boss. They may know someone in the industry who needs a person with your talents.

Wishing you all the best.
Being let go is a kick in the teeth even when you are expecting it and in good health.
From what I remember about your posts, once you recover from this surgery, you will not be considered to have health problems.
I also remembered this thread with advice about even bringing up heart surgery in job interviews:

It sounds like you have a good plan for moving on--I wish you the best. Please keep us posted on your progress.

Very sorry you were let go, but as others have noted, when one door closes, another opens....

GOOD LUCK. Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

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"I'm in a state of confusion, I hope things aren't what they seem" ... Travis Tritt ... 'Tell Me I Was Dreaming'
ahhh, ding dang Seth!!!!!!

Keep your head up buddy. This is just another bump in the road - and Lord knows you've had your share.

Another door will open......you'll see.

Sending you my best.
Rolling with the punches

Rolling with the punches

I had my first job interview (unofficially this morning). It is hopeful. Networking as some have stated looks to be an avenue for me. ;) I should know something next week. Mean while I am starting unemployment, cobra, and other leads. I had to go back to my old job today to tie up loose ends and that was really uncomfortable. I made it though. Thanks for all the encouragement.. . it has been a great help and source of strength. Thanks to all, Seth
That's great news Seth! I hope it works out for you. It was over 2 years before I had my 1st job interview. Like everyone said...another door opens. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you.
Hi Seth. Sounds like you are already on the road to a new job. If not this one, at least you have made the steps and are understanding the process. That alone is alot to overcome and wade through.

My first thoughts from your initial post were that you need to remember that you are only 6 months past this surgery. It honestly can take a year (or more) to honestly get back to normal physically and mentally. I truly did not feel like my old self until 18 months out (but I'm in my 50's). So keep that in mind as you are maneuvering through your emotions. There is still residual from your meds and the emotions of the event lingering with you that WILL be gone eventually....just maybe they are influencing your more down moments. So don't be hard on yourself, or wonder where some of these feelings may be coming from....you're still waning your way out of recovery.

Hoping that those comments would make you stronger, or able to see your strength more clearly. Wishing you the best of luck through this curve in the road.

Best wishes!

That's is good news!:) I forgot to mention, unemployment is online now, the job search is a lot easier as well. There should be some type of job database that you can set up search agents, search for jobs based on what your are looking for, you'll be assigned a rep to work with you, and if your state requires so many contacts a week, they'll send you job notices based on your profile as they are monitoring for you as well. TX requires 5 contacts a week. Networking contacts count so log your networking. If you attend any job workshops or group meetings, they count as a contact.

Sending positive vibes your way!:)
That which doesnt kill us only serves to make us stronger.
There is a better job out there, you made it through surgery youll make it through this.
Your the man dont let a little thing like this stop you.
Seth, so sorry to hear of the job loss. Patients who return home from OHS should get ticker tape parades!!!! Hoping you find a position to your liking very soon. take care


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