My husband and I ran together this a.m., nice temp, windy, no rain, though I was a bit slow, I ran 2.5 miles, non-stop and it felt great. We finished in 29 minutes, pace about 11.5 minute miles. My husband runs a lot faster than I do (for now
) so he ran a couple loops behind me to keep his own pace, and keep his calves from hurting, a slow pace does that to him.
My heart rate averaged 167, the highest was at the end just before a little hill, 177, we walked up that little hill until it dropped to 140s, then ran the rest of the way home. My heart rate recovers quickly and that's a good sign. No PVCs or palps during rest so far this afternoon.
Starting next weekend, our training begins for Army 10-Miler in October. We'll need to run every weekend and ease into 5 days a week. I have cardiac rehab tomorrow, (M-W-F) 7 minute interval week, that will give me 5 days if I run next Saturday. I will see how I feel Saturday morning and decide if a day of rest is in order.
Cardiac Rehab will be finished in 4 more weeks.
I know 2.5 miles is not a lot to most runners, it's not to me actually, but I'm pleased with it considering I'm not quite 4 months OHS post op.
I'll use this thread to show my progress over the next several months as a way to provide encouragement to others who want to run after OHS.

Tom, I guess this baseline is my first POPB.
My heart rate averaged 167, the highest was at the end just before a little hill, 177, we walked up that little hill until it dropped to 140s, then ran the rest of the way home. My heart rate recovers quickly and that's a good sign. No PVCs or palps during rest so far this afternoon.
Starting next weekend, our training begins for Army 10-Miler in October. We'll need to run every weekend and ease into 5 days a week. I have cardiac rehab tomorrow, (M-W-F) 7 minute interval week, that will give me 5 days if I run next Saturday. I will see how I feel Saturday morning and decide if a day of rest is in order.
I know 2.5 miles is not a lot to most runners, it's not to me actually, but I'm pleased with it considering I'm not quite 4 months OHS post op.
I'll use this thread to show my progress over the next several months as a way to provide encouragement to others who want to run after OHS.
Tom, I guess this baseline is my first POPB.