i see you all in a whole new light....

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Hey Sylvia, good luck with your procedure. Before you know it, it will all be over with, and you'll be back on here telling us how it went.

You'll be FINE :D

Thanks for being part of this group -
My Needle Technique

My Needle Technique

Hello Sylvia,

When I was a kid, I remember getting a booster shot in my leg.
I tensed up and could hardly walk for days.

SO, ever since that experience, I RELAX the stick site and look away.

You can clench your teeth, tighten every OTHER muscle in your body, but let the target zone go LIMP.

You may still feel the stick, but the pain shouldn't last too long.

Good luck with your procedure.

Sylvia - my daughter has the same needle fear - it just baffles the needle people. Her veins shrink as the needle gets closer, they won't let the needle in - like they have a mind of their own. She, like you, fears this part of any procedure more than the procedure itself.

Bless you as you go through this. I know all will go well for you and we wait right here -
Our Annie is back

Our Annie is back

Ann's back:) :) Ann's back....:D :D Thank goodness, Our Annie is back posting. Cannot keep a good Angel down.:) :) :) :) Bonnie
I am not affraid of needles. Thankfully with all of the draws required in the hospital. My veins do retract naturally when the needle goes in. They are also tiny tiny. Not fun.

My husband has the worst case of needle phobia I have ever witnessed. Imagine a grown man hiding under the covers in the hospital while his loving wife holds his hand. It is a true phobia and it actually scared me to death. My MIL has a doctor phobia so maybe she brainwashed the poor guy when he was a child.
I did request that he would not squeeze so hard to lessen my bruising ;)
Sylvia, I just saw your thread. Been off for a couple days. I hope all went well for you. Tim
Thinking of you, Sylvia.

Thinking of you, Sylvia.


I hope you are home and feeling all better!! Look forward to hearing from you soon!!
thank you for all your well wishes!!!

thank you for all your well wishes!!!

hi all!
i am back and am only supposed to stay on for a short while (my eyes get dry and sore), but i had to get all my responses in while i waws here.
i can't thank you all enough for being there for me, all the time.
good news...
#1: my surgery was a cinch... out one minute and done the next. recovering at home was ok. i get antsey and want to move, but i can't exercise for 2 whole weeks!!!! been traipsing around the yard with my puppies.
i see the surgeon tomorrow and then should be a-o-k. feeling good. glad it's over.
glad to be getting back to normal___ boy can i imagine what it must be like for you guys!!!!

better news..
#2: joey went for his echo (goes every 3-6 months) to check on everything.
all is great. his fistula is unchanged which the cardio says is a wonderful sign.
most either don't change or get worse. we were sooo happy! valves are doing fine and the doc gave him a clean bill of health and encouraged him to continue his workouts and working with his trainer (who pushes him and i was worried it might be too much, so i had him ask the cardio_ who is a marathon runner_ and he said it was fine).

life can be so sweet, right? minutes....
thank you all for always being so supportive.
i appreciate each and every one of you and truly adore you all.
glad to be back and be a part of you all.
Hi Sylvia-

It's so good to see you back again an posting. We missed you. I'm very happy that things worked out well for you.

Take care,