i see you all in a whole new light....

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 1, 2001
Westchester, NY
hi all!
i won't be logged on for a few days ( i have been on/off intermittently already).
i am going in for a small elective surgical procedure and won't be able to use my computer for a few days.
it is scheduled for tomorrow morning and i should be home by noon.

you must understand this, i am a needle phobic. give me any amount of pain and i can tolerate it, but no shots or cuts or
blood. i was lying in bed with joey this morning and it struck me how nervous and afraid i was just to go in for this miniscule procedure.
i realized that you are all such a brave bunch of people. i undrstand that you have no choice and you need this surgery, but that does not make you less brave. i now understand how you must feel those days before the surgery... the waiting is always awful, i remember it with joey, but i am much more aware of wanting this to be behind me and done with.

you are all such an amazing group of people. i have the utmost respect for each and every one of you.
i am in total awe of you who have gone through this surgery and speak of it so candidly and with ease.
no words could describe the pride i feel in being part of this family.

thank you for all you give.
i hope you will all be well when i return. those of you in the "waiting room" , i will ask about you when i return.
i look forward to finding hensylee back on when i return.... and all others, stay well.
fondly, sylvia
Best wishes Sylvia-

Hope the procedure goes well. Whenever I have something painful to endure, I relate it to the amount of time in a lifetime, and it puts it all in perspective. A shot may be painful but how long could it take as compared to your whole life. Seconds at worst.

I figure for a couple of seconds I could endure it.

But I do understand needle phobia, one of my daughters has that. It's a difficult thing.
Sylvia I won't know what to do without you for a few days. Get back as soon as possible. I do hope this isn't anything major for you to have done. Prayers are with you anyway.

If it helps any, I hate needles and have developed a nice phobia myself. It's a whole lot of fun at the coumadin clinic. I think they're about ready to give me versed just to draw my blood. ;)
Hope all goes well tomorrow!
I had a needle issue too. It ended 2/25/02.
Keep us informed of the outcome and recovery of your surgery.

from one Phobic to another

from one Phobic to another

it matters not what they are going to do ...if you are scared you're scared ,,,,I understand ...I hope all goes well Sylvia ,,,you take care and come back soon and tell us you're okay ...
I know how you feel pet !
Good luck

Good luck

Sylvia, good luck. I'm one of the original needle-phobes; managed to hang on to it all the way through chemo therapy. This whole experience has pretty much cured me; but no one will EVER get a blood gas from me without novocaine!:eek:

I have complete empathy with your obsession about whatever this is coming up. Sometimes it's really better to have very little notice, I've found. We'll miss your posts.

And Ross - do they give you versed in the coumadin clinic? If so, where do I sign up :confused: ?
And Ross - do they give you versed in the coumadin clinic?
Not yet. I throw a temper tantrum if they come at me with one of the 21 Gauge needles and large vacutainers. It's butterflies for me or your not getting any blood! You should have been around when I had my PICC line and they wouldn't draw from it! Boy did I set that straight in a big hurry. I called the Doctor from my hospital room and told him to get back to CSICU and straighten that out immediately. He did too!
Georgia and Ross

Georgia and Ross

When are you two going to get your own Protime?:D :D :D :D A little prick in middle finger..2 drops of blood and you are done.:p :p Never even have a bruise.:p :p Ross, I know. doctor will not approve one for you..WHY..:mad: :mad: Bonnie


Sorry, girlfriend, I got off track. Hope everything comes out good for you..:) :) :) Bonnie


Bonnie, I don't have a protime yet because now I'm confused because there's more than one machine to buy; because I'm a procrastinator; because I've never quite gotten my inr stabilized; and because I've been watching the problem folks have been having with their protime machine readings differing from the labs', I figure it'd be best to be stable before sailing off on my own. And I really was fooling with Ross - I've mostly gotten over my needle phobia and my veins have recovered pretty nicely from surgery. But I still intend to get a test-at-home system.

Sylvia, sorry to have gotten Bonnie misdirected on your thread.
:D :D :D
Hush Ross

Hush Ross

Or I will send you a Possum Pie:p :p :p :p Today has felt like a Sunday..and I feel like I am on Chat.:p :p :p Bonnie
hi all!
this thread really cheered me up!!! love the way you all got off track_ it made me laugh.
funny how many of you are needle phobes!!!

you are just the funniest guy!!! you always crack me up!! versed....

i also keep trying to get my dad to get a protime, but he just won't. i don't get him.
i mind bloodtests in the finger least of all needles since it's quick and done.
ross, it would really be good for you!!

anyway, i'll be back in a few days. i'm sure i'll be fine, but thanks so much for all your well wishes.

please stay well while i'm gone.
Speedy Recovery

Speedy Recovery

Hope you have a smooth sail thru the procedure!
I also am needle phobic! My poor husband almost had broken fingers in the hosp! keep us posted


Georgia, I love the novacaine idea!!
Ross, I want versed also.
I want to wish you all the best with your procedure.
Scottie is right. A fear is a fear. It doesn't matter what kind of procedure you are having.
I must tell you that as much as you are praising everyone here, and I totally agree, don't forget how much of an impact you make here. You give so many here guidance and support when we need it.
Good Luck with the procedure and hope to hear from you soon. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Take Care!
Hey Georgia, don't they give you lidocaine before putting an art line in? They always do for me, but I still feel it. OUCH! The swan hurts less! I think I need to ask for versed before my next endeavor! Good luck syl, by now you are probably having your procedure done. I will be thinking of you, and you will be in my prayers!