Erratic heartbeat after surgery

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Dang, I am SO sleep deprived and emotional I almost left today. He was giving me guilt trips about not sneaking him sips of water. He was no anything by mouth until after the TEE and Cardio Version. I packed up my stuff, but I just couldn't. I wanted to be there for him, I mean, he was about to get his heart shocked. :( Nobody is perfect.

You are doing a great job. I was also moody and irritable short-term in the hospital and this is coming from someone who is a healthcare provider and promised myself I would be nothing but cheerful post-surgery-- it happens. Combo of the drugs, surgery and just feeling crummy and having change to deal with. It will improve.

But I'll echo my above thoughts and say please make sure to destress and take time for yourself as well. Sometimes you do need to remove yourself from the situation for a while- to get your morale and energy back. You can only take care of him if you take care of yourself first.
If you think it would help you, your husband, and your son, to bring your son in for a visit, then do it. They're not going to check his ID!

Just be sure your son is ready for the experience. Perhaps show him some pictures of his father in the room before you go in. Keep that visit short, bring the electronic games, and know where the family waiting room is for when your son gets bored or starts to fidget too much.

You are a GOOD person, doing GOOD things! :)
So, they told me 12 years at the entry desk to ICU, but the nurse said they thought it was 18.

I didn't have this issue when my son was in the ICU at Children's. They allowed all his siblings to come see him because they knew how sick he was and they needed to be able to tell him they loved him in case he died, which they thought he was going to do. They allowed my little guy to spend entire days there with me. He even slept there with me some days. Some days we went to our room at Ronald McDonald House.

It sounds like tonight, or tomorrow he will be moving out of ICU, if all keeps going as it is.
fingers crossed for a good result from the mammogram ...

Thank you! We have breast cancer in my family and my cousin is currently battling sepsis from her double mastectomy and reconstruction. So it can be scary. But on the upside I breastfed for a long time amongst my many children, and lowered my chances of getting it substantially. I did the math and it was like a 70% lower chance due to the amount of total time breastfeeding.
We have breast cancer in my family and my cousin is currently battling sepsis from her double mastectomy and reconstruction.
I can only say its horrible how our bodies betray us. A friend of mine's wife has just had a double mastectomy for similar familial reasons (she's had two kids now).

Best Wishes