I need your Prayers Please

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I have been out of the hospital for two weeks and went and seen the Dr yesterday and found the reason I was very out of Breath . I have fuild around my left lung. So this morning I have to go and have this remove hopefully this can be done . The dr is going to remove this by numbing a area on my back and use a syring to drain the fluid. I am really scared and would welcome your prayers for this to be a success and on the road to recovery. Thank you all
You have my prayers and thoughts. Have a speedy recovery!:)


I am sorry to hear you have to go back to the doctor for this problem. I will pray for you, and I hope you will have a chance to let us know how it goes. Remember, you have already handled way more than this! I am sure you will come through with flying colors.
good luck!

good luck!

I hope you'll be fine, and it does sound scary. who likes needles?? I recall mention from other valvers that this had happened to them and they felt much better afterwards. I don't know where the thread was, but perhaps you could try a search.

Hang in there! Best wishes to you!

I think you will feel much better after the fluid is drained off. Good luck with the procedure and let us know how you do.
You're in my prayers for a speedy resolution to this problem.

This is a not-uncommon problem following OHS and it seems to be remedied satisfactorily. I will pray that you will be bouncing back to recovery in no time.


Hope you'll be feeling good as new very quickly. Just a bump in the road, as all on Vr.com like to say. I can speak personally - when they are "our" bumps, they are BIG, so I know what you are feeling right now. Just know that you have my good wishes for improved health soon.

Christina L
As other have said, this seems to be a common problem. I'm sure it sounds scary with the syringe and all, but I hope it's painless and done quickly. I have a guy in my rehab class that had this done several times and he said it's not a big problem. Almost instant relief from the symptoms. You'll be in my prayers!
I can imaging how worry and scared you must be. Many times things sound worse than they really are. My prayers are on the way
My prayers are coming your way. I know this procedure sounds scary but I bet you will feel better after it's done and your recovery will be speeded. Certainly pray that will be so. Let us know how you are doing.
Hugs and prayers are coming your way. I had this very same thing happen. I had to have the fluid removed twice from my lungs within a few weeks of each other. It wasn't fun, but really not bad, and you feel so much better afterwards. Amazing! !
I hope by now that you are feeling relief. It is a common problem after this kind of surgery. I had it too but it was more minor and resolved by itself. You are in my prayers.
Hoping that all went well with the procedure, that you are feeling much better and will continue with an uneventful recovey. Keep us posted.:)


Seems like most has been said. I had a good friend who had this done twice after her surgery with immediate relief. Not a bad procedure. You really will feel better right away.
Good Luck and you are in my prayers.

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