I may not be around as much for a while. . .

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Premium User
Supporting Member
Dec 26, 2002
Chicago area
As much as I would like to spend lots of time with my second family, for a while I will have only limited time to be here. I am dealing with the aftermath of last Friday's massive rains and flooding both at home and at work. We only got a couple of inches of water in our basement, but it is still disrupted, as this was also finished living space.

Work is another matter. I work for a company that had its 75,000 square foot building under more than 12 inches of water on Saturday. The building is full of large manufacturing equipment (think of punch presses, up to 600-Ton). The front office, which is my home away from home, is a complete disaster. Lots to do, few to do it.

I'll look in when I can.
I hear you all. I am one of the "bosses" at work, but I'm a working boss who usually will do whatever it takes to get the job done. Both the financial areas and the IT/computer areas of the company report to me, and I'm deeply and personally involved in both areas. Heck, I even have my own test gear and toolkit for network and phone wiring and computer repair/assembly. Both areas are now very busy. The accountants have our year-end statement and annual report to prepare (fiscal year ended June 30), and the IT guy is busy repairing the damage from the flood. My chore for today was to specify and order 20 new computers and manage to get them delivered tonight so that the IT guy and a hired helper can start work on them tomorrow. It isn't a happy office when half or more of the employees have no computers - especially when we have a highly computer-centric business office.

Oh, well, tomorrow is another day. At least I get to leave early, after "only" 8 hours, to go to rehab.
Hi gang!

Jason - It is getting better on the home front. Lots of work done, more to do. After this weekend, the biggest thing remaining is to re-install the now-cleaned rugs, put the furniture back in place, and re-connect the Home Theater system. The connections are easy, as I designed and installed the system myself. Just have to do a bit of climbing around on the floor behind a cabinet to plug it all in.

If only the work situation was as simple. That one will take us up to a year to settle with the insurance company and have the contractors in to rebuild the offices. At least we have most of the computer network up and running, but the work environment is a disaster. Oh, well, life goes on. At least the company is insured. Others in the area are not. Can't guess what happens to them. . .
Good to hear from you Steve, I was just thinking about you and the ugly mess you must be in. Glad things are looking better.
As for work, one day at a time, it too will works it's way out of this mess.

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